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A baby is born, a promise is sealed 

smiling faces turns to ashen ; dishearten and stamped ,

"what happened ?, what changed?"

oh is it a girl? yes it is and so it's a shame !

Day after day, the girl flowers into a beautiful woman.

Eyes bright with gleam and hope,

heart full of desires and gloat.

But little did she know, this beautiful world shimmered with glistening stars and delights,

Is nothing but a barren land hollered by abusiveness and shear might !

In a world like this , summoned with atrocities and  complex times;

Where eve-teasing , sexual assault and female feoticide happens day and night , 

Oh , you helpless women , where does your peace lies ?

Is it amongst those heartless people , senseless minds and timeless gestures 

Or does it lies with those disdained people who are aware, but still they don't really care ?

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