Chapter 2: Screen

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as I picked up the paper I started to get scared what could it say?
a threat?
I don't know I have so much doubt I'm scared of little things like my image, my ceiling and that I'll die of uncertainty.. I just have so much anxiety I guess..

I unraveled the pink haired boys note dreading what it could say.
"I've seen you around school last year and I want to get to know you. :) My names Josh by the way.. do you want to meet up at lunch? that would be sick."

oh my god I slouched into my chair how could I talk to him? why did he want to know me? thoughts raced through my mind about Josh the whole day up until lunch.

I tried to avoid Josh to be truthful, I would scared I would fuck it up with him. I'm really good at fucking things up after all.. and after all, Josh was a god at our school, attractive, athletic, popular..
my doubtful thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the pink haired boy, Josh, approaching me..
"Hey so what do you say? want to have lunch?"
oh god..
I put my head down and looked at the floor ..
"why would you want to have lunch with me anyways..?"
I weakly asked while having a voice crack.
he replied, "I just really want to get to know you Tyler." he said with a cheesy smile
"ok fine." I said in response
next chapters gonna be from Josh's POV
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