Kyle x Reader

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.: Your POV:.
I was walking through the halls, on my way to math class; my (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing behing me as my (e/c) were narrowed slightly, giving my (skin tone) face a bored look. I had my earbuds in, listening to (fav. song) as I watched everyone scurry past me in a frenzy, afraid of being late for their next class. Math was my last class before lunch, and trust me, I was happy for that. Lunch is my best subject.

I walked through the door to Mr. Garrison's class room, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I didn't really like attention, but I would live. The bell rang as soon as I had sat down in my usual seat between Kyle Broflovski and Kenny McCormick. Kyle didn't speak much, and I might have a huge mofo crush on him, but Kenny had always been trying to hit on me from day one. He's the school player, along with Clyde Donovan, so I expected no less from him. Still, it gets annoying.

Today was no acception as I pulled out my notebook, frantically scribbling down useless notes I wouldn't understand later. I felt a gloved hand tap on my shoulder, and I followed the hand, up to the orange parka-clad Kenny. "Yes?" I whispered, figuring maybe this time he would actually need something. He pulled down his parka hood and opened his mouth to speak. "Did you sit in sugar? Because that ass is sweet." He grinned. Okay, great. Just what I needed to start off my math class. I ignored him, muttering a quick, "You should stop looking at my ass and start focusing on your work. Maybe then you'll do something productive for once." (OOOOOOOOH!!! GET REKT!! //shot)
He snickered. "I like a challenge." Kyle scoffed. "Dude, she wasn't challenging you, she was telling you to shut the fuck up and do your work." He seemed irritated, and Kenny must've noticed it as well, because he seemed to stare at Kyle for a moment, before smirking and doodling on his paper. After a few minutes, though, he spoke up. "You totally like her." I paid no mind to it, figuring he was just trying to piss the Jewish boy off, but Kyle seemed to freeze, his face becoming a bright red as he tried to stutter out a quick opposition. I giggled a bit at how red his face was, and he seemed to blush even more.

<Timeskip Uncle fuckers>
The lunch bell rang throughout the school and I quickly grabbed my Terrance and Phillip lunch box, heading to my favorite oak tree outside of the school. I didn't really have any friends, besides maybe Butters or Token, but they already had their groups that they ate with, so I was alone most of the time. I sat down by one of the larger roots, propping my lunch box up with it. Inside was a (fav. sandwich), an apple, and a juice box. Not much today, huh (parent/guardian)? Oh well. It's not like I'll starve. I sighed, taking out the sandwich and nibbling on it. I heard footsteps coming towards me, but shrugged it off. It was probably just someone looking for their friends.

I heard them stop and sit beside me before I finally looked over, seeing a flustered Kyle. He had this adorable determined look on his face (Am I the only one who squees at that face?) as he opened his own lunch box. I smiled a little, chuckling at his determination. What was he even so determined about? He looked over at me, quickly handing me something. I took it without question, seeing as how it was (fav candy). He smiled a bit, his eyes showing a bit of shyness and happiness. I gladly smiled back, enjoying the peacefulness of the situation. I felt kinda bad, since I had nothing to offer in return. So I split the (f/candy) apart, giving him half. (Lol mine was a KitKat BC Homestuck. :p)

.:Kyle's POV:.
I watched as she split the candy apart, wondering what she was doing. My question was quickly answered though, as she handed a piece to me, nibbling on her own half. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as she smiled kindly at me. Damn, was she pretty. Then I realized, I came here to confess my crush on her, and neither of us have spoken a single word! I bit into the candy, thinking of what to say. I looked back over to (Y/N), seeing her tranquilly sip her juice box. I smiled widely as I saw her play with a butterfly. I couldn't help but think of holding her in my arms and playing with her hair as she read a book or spoke about her day in her soft, silky voice.

"U-uh, (Y/N)...?" I started, mentally cursing at myself for stuttering. "Hm?" She hummed, waiting for my reply. "I-i just wanted to say that-" "KYLE!!! OH MY GOD COME HERE!!! CARTMAN IS TIED TO THE FLAGPOLE!!!" Stan was yelling and flailing his arms, and I sighed. (Y/N) had burst out laughing, running to Stan while asking how it happened. I stood up, dusting off my jeans and picking up my lunch box, and headed over to see what the hell had happened.

<Oh look, another Timeskip. Huh.>
.:Your POV:.
You were in your last class of the day, packing up your things as the bell rang, students rushing out of the door. You were one of the last students there, seeing as how you weren't as eager to get home. You were an only child, and your (parent(s)/guardian) worked a lot, so there wasn't much to do. You sighed, pulling the straps to your (f/c) book bag over your shoulders. "Uh, (Y/N)?" A shy voice spoke from beside you. You turned towards it, seeing Kyle and instantly blushing. Damn it blood, stop pumping. "Yes?" I asked, wanting him to go on. Maybe he'll finish what he was going to say earlier.

He seemed to stumble over his words a bit, and his face was a bright red. He stopped, took a few deep breaths, and started again. "I.. I know we barely talk to each other and all, but...," He took another breath, "Ireallylikeyouwillyoupleasegooutwhithme?" He flinched as I spoke. "Repeat that please? I didn't quite catch it." He steeled himself before reiterating what he said. "I really like you... W-will you please go on a date with me?" I blushed heavily smiling widely. "Of course! I like you too, Kyle." He sighed in relief, grinning back at me and enveloping me in a warm hug. At that moment, I was truly happy. And I knew I would be for a long time to come.
<Extended Ending>
"Hey Kyle?"

"Yeah (Y/N)?"


"I heard you the first time."

A/N: Awwwww that's so cute. Reader-chan x Kyle= OTP. Requests are open! Just ask me, and I'll try to fulfill it as best as I can!

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