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It was a thirty minute drive, and the last ten minutes were spent driving through the woods. Luke parked in a small parking lot, there were only six spots in it.

"Should I be worried?" Ashton asked, eyeing the dense woods that surrounded them.

"No, why?" Luke asked, turning off his car. He really couldn't figure out why Ashton might be a little skeptical of their destination.

"You drove me to the middle of the woods," Ashton explained and Luke's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, no! I just wanted to show you this abandoned house!" Ashton laughed.

"That still sounds bad."

"Ah, fuck it. C'mon let's go," Luke groaned. They got out of the car. Ashton and Luke walked side by side down the path and soon came up on an old house. It looked like it had been built circa 1930 or so. Luke led Ashton around the back, where there was no lock on the back door.

"Michael and I come here a lot," Luke told Ashton. They walked into what Ashton assumed was the living room. There was a table up against the wall with two drawers. Luke opened up one and pulled out a box. He sat down on the couch that had been covered in a new, clean, modern blanket. Luke put the box on the coffee table and Ashton sat down next to him.

There was a small lock on the box. Luke pulled out his keys and, of course, used the smallest one to open the lock. The inside amazed Ashton.

A lighter, a bag of white powder, a mirror, a straw, three condoms, lube, a packet of strawberry swishers, and something wrapped in tin foil.

"What's in the tin foil?" Ashton asked.

"Acid. It's Michael's," Luke explained, grabbing the lighter, "So's the cocaine."

"Wow," Ashton said, shocked. Luke pulled the spliff out of his coat pocket and lit it. He held to his lips, took a drag and handed it to Ashton.

Ashton took a long drag, holding it in and blowing out the smoke in Luke's face. Luke laughed, taking the joint back.

The two passed it back and forth until it was nothing but a roach. Luke threw it into the box and locked it back up.

"So," Ashton wondered aloud, "What did you think of the video?"

"You mean the video? Your video?" Luke raised an eyebrow. Ashton nodded.

"I don't know. Kinda made me wish I had never left you alone that night," Luke answered, truthfully.

"You know, they took a video of them actually doing it. I can't believe I acted that slutty. They aren't even that cute. I mean, if I had been with you, acting like that would have totally been justified. I actually like you," Ashton lamented.

"Really?" Luke asked.

"Well, yeah. You're really hot."

"I'm hot?" Luke had a stupid, big smile on his face that made his cheeks hurt.

"Yeah, especially with that lip ring," Ashton said. Luke reached up a hand and touched it.


"Kiss me."

"Okay," Ashton giggled as Luke clumsily pushed his lips onto Ashton's. They made out and Ashton pushed Luke on his back. Luke was thankful Michael had insisted on bringing a blanket to cover the couch with back when they had first found the house. Ashton pulled his lips away from Luke's and pressed them to his jaw instead. Ashton kissed his way down to Luke's collar bone that was exposed by the tank top he was wearing.

Ashton pulled away and sat up, still in Luke's lap. He laughed and said, "God, I really am a slut."

A/N- this is for the most part, unedited. I feel like this chapter is cringe-y but whatever. :)))) vote & comment please

thank you for reading! :D


I'm Not a Slut; Lashton auحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن