You didn't reply to this. Instead you blocked the number.

Message 2
Terezi: h3y 4r3 y0u st1ll h4v1ng th4t g3t t0g3tg3r >:?

Replay: TOTES!

Message 3
Dirk: hey can we talk?

You also didn't reply. You blocked this number as well.

Message 4
Jake: hey love, can't wait to come over today. Looking forward to see where my princess lives.

Reply: your princess? Yes cause my Crappy Apartment is a castle.

Message 5
Jade: hey...sorry but I can't make it today....I have a stomach virus..

Reply: oh it's ok.

Message 6 7 8 and 9
Eridan: hey Y/n.

Eridan: am I invvited to your get together thing?

Eridan: please answwer and say yes

Eridan: I'm vvery lonely...

Reply: if you promise to not be creepy then yes

Message 10
Bro: if you ever need anything I'll be there for you ok. :) you can trust me.

Reply: :) ok

You smiled at his text blushing a bit. You turned on your tv and watching whatever was on. In this case Steven Universe. After a while there was a knock on your door. You stood up with a smile and went over to it. You opened it and grinned "Hey Jake." You said but he noticed you didn't sound the same. "Is everything alright?" He asked as you let him in. "Everything's fine." You said "tell me the truth Y/n" oh his voice. You knew he meant business when he used that voice. You gave in.

"Well...I kinda..ok so first Dave kissed me and I liked it so then I admitted my feelings and the next day pretty much the same thing happened with Dirk except on the way home and then yesterday they got into a fight.." You started to tear up a bit. "And well...I said something I do regret but they deserved it. And then bro....I have fallen in love with all of them and I don't knows hat to do!" You hugged him and cried on his shoulder.

"It's ok love... Be cheery." He said rubbing your back. On the inside he wanted to cry too.

Cause secretly
He had a crush on you.

After a while of him comforting you. You went to let your other guests in.
"Hi Eridan. Terezi, KitKat, and Nepeta." You smiled

"Hello y/n, nice to sea you again" Eridan smiled.

"Hi! Your house smells great!" Terezi beamed

"Don't call me that and why did you invite me?" Karkat asked angrily as always.

"Hi y/n! It's so nice to see you! I'm so excited!" Nepeta cheered.

You smiled. This isn't all your friends though.

John had to help his dad.
Jades sick
Roxy is busy with her mom
Mituna is hanging with Latula
Vriska is doing gog knows what
Kankri is doing something
Janes with John and her dad
Gamzee is hanging with Tavros
And Rose is doing couple things with Kanaya.

I guess you could say you were pretty popular. Haha...ya...anyways you and the friends that did come we're sitting and talking about things. Nepeta was rambling about her otps and her notps Karkat was fussing at all of us Jake was talking about random stuff Terezi was sniffing all you plushie a and figures and Eridan was being weird. Yup a typical Wednesday.

After your guests were gone you thought about today. "Maybe I should apologize? would be telling them something..." You said and there was a knock on your door. You went to it and opened it smiling at the tall strider in front of you. "Hey Bro..." You smiled hugging him. You don't know why or how, but you feel like you two just belong together.....o-k...

After a while of talking you ended up feeling a familiar feeling. No! You don't want this to happen! You were seriously starting to hate your feelings right now. "Ok bro I've done this Twice already I know it's gonna lead up to doing this later but I'm gonna save the time." You said and without thinking you crashed your lips onto his. After a minute you pulled away. ".........." There was an awkward silence between you two it was soon broken when Bro sighed "I understand how your feeling. Your battling your thoughts right now." He spoke you smiled sadly and softly at him. "I know I'm gonna have to pick between you three but.... I dunno.." You said "you can take however much time you need. I'll tell the boys what's going on ok. Love you" he said and kissed you gently on the lips.
And he left.

"Ya..." You said and sighed
You picked up your phone and dialed your dad's number "oh hey Jake is dad home?" You asked "hey daddy. Can I come vacation at your place for a while?" You asked "alright I'll be there at Twelve tomorrow." You said and hung up.


Omg this is long! It's took me a couple days to update but I hope tall enjoyed This one.. It's kinda sucks but that's what I came up with at 4 in the morning anywho the story is almost over! In the future I will have like Christmas specials and junk but that's later on. :3 so....ya >:?

Striders (Dirk x Reader x Dave x Bro)Where stories live. Discover now