Chapter 2

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I followed John out and we walk all the way to his house. "dad I'm home!" John called out. I looked around the house and my eyes fall on some picture of John as a little kid. I noted that his mom wasn't in any of them I smiled sadly knowing that she mushed have to died when John was really small. I moved my eyes off of them and up to see John hugging his dad. I look at some other stuff and tilt my head at them. "so you must be Meboow." I jumped and looked up, I gave him a nod "yes sir." I said shyly he gave me nod and left. "hehe yeah he does that a lot,oh god nooo he's going to make a cake......." John wined  "what's so bad about a cake?" I ask, he gave me a look of you do not want to know. "okay" I said, he walked up the stairs and I followed him up,but I tripped over a stuffed bunny and fell forward into John. "s-sorry John" my face was red. "I-It's o-okay." form the way I was on him it almost looked like we were kissing and sense he holding me up it looks like he kissed me and my legs gave out on me. why was there a bunny on the floor? "hey are you okay?" he sound worried "I'm fine,I don't think I spread my leg" I repined. John smiled and let go of my waist and grab my hand,and lead me to his room. I looked around,there's still boxes on the floor. must not be done unpacking yet.  

Coffee Shop (John x OC) {boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now