'No need to apologise, it happens. Now, what's happened that's gotten you this upset?' She asked while walking me down the large arched hallway.

'Umm... it's about Jack...' I replied while noticing a small grey cloud had appeared in thin air above my head and was raining on top of me.

'Jack? What did he do now? You know I've been waiting until he messed up and did or said something stupid to you. He does it to everyone. He's a natural joker and kind of depends on stupid and slightly insulting jokes to survive. Don't take it personally.' Tooth said while flying around me in a circle, inspecting the dark grey rain cloud hovering over my head.

'No, Tooth. Jack and I got into a serious fight.' I explained while continuing to stand there in the mini downpour that was soaking me to the bone.

Hmm, why haven't I transformed into my Spring form yet? That's strange....

'Oh... a fight.... What was it about?' She asked while taking a hold of my hand, trying to get me to stop feeding the mini storm above me and the massive storm outside, more power.

'We got really high on party potions last night and we ended up in bed togetha..... naked....' I explained while dropping my head in shame.

'Oh my goodness! Romanna you poor poor girl! No wonder you're upset!' Tooth squealed while hugging me and trying to comfort me even though the freezing water continued to poor down on top of us.

'Ok let's walk this way so I can get you dry, then we'll talk properly. I promise I'll help you fix this.' She instructed in a very motherly and supportive tone.

'Umm... thanks.' I replied while waving my hand over my head and dispersing the rain cloud above me.

I didn't expect that to do anything, but somehow it actually worked and my mini cloud vanished.

'Hey, you know I haven't seen you or talked to you properly since you were stabbed. How are you? I've neva healed anythin before and I'm worried that it might not have been enough to fully heal you. You could have some kind of internal damage that didn't fully heal and could potentially hurt you lata on.' I asked in a worried tone.

Tooth noticed that I was changing the subject and changed her concerned expression into a more cheerful one.

'Actually Romanna, you did a great job with fixing my injures. Not only did you save my life by healing my major wounds, but you also repaired my broken wings and all of the tiny cuts and grazes on my face and hands. I'm perfectly healthy now too! Bunny actually had the exact same questions as you and did a full health check on me and it turns out, I'm in even better health than before.

Romanna, I seriously can not thank you enough for what you did! I haven't felt this good in over a hundred years. Also my wings, thank you for repairing them. They are kind of like Adult Teeth and don't heal or grow back once damaged. I wouldn't have been able to fly ever again. I owe you so much! Oh and my brother! Thank you for healing him too.' Tooth exclaimed while hugging me as we continue to walk down the large hallway.

'No need to thank me Tooth. I'm glad you're ok. Also like I said to Peta, you owe me nothing.' I replied while smiling up at her.

'Wow! It's quite the palace you've got here.' I stated while turning my attention to the hallway.

The walls looked like they were made of gleaming gold and beautiful tiny multicoloured tiles were carved into walls and floor, making it look very mosaic.

There was a large door on every wall on the left side. Also multiple smaller more human sized doors evenly spaced out down the hallway on both the left and the right sides.

Heatstroke (Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians, Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن