Sept.3rd Finding myself

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Te plane finally landed and I got off and walked to my address that I was supposed to meet the lady or guy at.
I finally got here on time and i saw the lady standing there. "Hi !" I said as I walked up to her. "Oh you must be Indiana singer. " said the lady. "Indie ." I said as I shook her hand.

"Karen. " she said as she smiled. "So the house is $600 a month. " she said.
"Um , I got told it was $300 ." I said. "I'm sorry ." She said. "I can't do that. "
"No it's fine ." I said as I walked away. Great I'm homeless.
I don't have a house and only have little food. Great. It was already getting dark so I started walking. I found a covered up bus bench so I sat down on it.

I started to drift off and fall asleep.

I opened my eyes to see my self in a hotel room with a whole bunch of guys . "Who the fuck are you and what am I doing on a bed in a hotel room !" I freaked out. "Woe woe. Calm down we didn't do anything to you ." Said the boy with blue eyes that was tall.

"Oh Ya , ok , you know , nothing happened , I just ended up on a hotel room with you guys ." I said. "Ok something did happen. " said a tall one with bushy eye brows and brown eyes.
"You guys look familiar. " I said. The I saw one Come in the room and say "oh good your she's awake. "

I looked down at my self and saw cuts and bruises on me covered up. I scooted back even more and they saw me look at my arms. "I saw you on the bus bench sleeping. I thought you were alright so I started to walk passed you.
That's when I saw that your arm was bleeding , the. I saw you had a bruise on your arm. So the guys looked at me like I was crazy when I picked you up and brought you to our hotel room. "

"Thank you so much."I said. He smiled and said "I'm Cameron Dallas ."
That name sounds familiar.
"I'm Nash Grier and that's my brother Hayes." said Nash.

The boy with the bushy eye brows looked at me and said "I'm Jack Gilinsky and that's Jack Johnson. " they both smiled.

"I'm Taylor Caniff " said the one with the bandana. "I'm Shawn which I'm guessing that you know that from your screen ." He said. "What ?" I said. I looked besides me and saw that's phone was charging. I grabbed it and looked at the background. "Oh Ya , uh , I guess. " I said. They all looked at me weird and I just smiled.

"I'm Aaron Carpenter ." Said one. "I'm Matthew Espinosa" said Matt. "I'm Carter Reynolds." The other kid said.
"What you name ?" Asked Cam. "Delilah ." I said. "Pretty name ." Said Matt. I smiled and blushed. "So what were you doing on that park bench ?" Asked Nash.

"Sleeping. " I said. "Nice , but why?" Asked Taylor. "Uh , well you'll see in a week ." I mumbled. "What ?" Akers the boys. "Uh , lost my house." I said. "Oh , well were your parents ?" Asked Jack J.

"Don't have any ." I said. "Other family ?" Asked Aaron. "Nope ." I said. "Hey uh , guys can I talk to you ?" Asked Jack G. They all Walked out of the hotel room and started talking. I just sat there looking at my phone. I unlocked it. Which I'm surprised that I even know my own lock code. I don't even remember what I was doing all day the last 4 days.

They came back in and Taylor asked "Indie , do you want to come and live with us ?"

"Would love too." I said. They all smiled and Cam said " hey , can you get dressed and we will go out. "

"Ya , of course. " I said. I grabbed my back pack and walked in the bathroom.
I got dressed into a sea foam green Vans shirt with white short shorts and my sea foam green Vans. I braided my hair to the side and walked out . They all looked at me. I waved and Cam got up fast and got to my side.

"What do you want to eat ," he asked me. "Uh , anything. " I said . "That's a face of Starbucks. " said Matt. "Uh , what's Starbucks?"I asked. "Uh , Ya were going. " said Matt as he walked out with Carter.

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