(2) Oops!

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I stand up and stretch from our new coffee brown sofa. It was super expensive!

I see a disappointed Maou once I released myself from his grasp.

"Aw... That's cute..." I cooed at him.

He looked away and blushed. "S-shut up.."

I only laughed and went into our room. I went into my closet first thing and took out my light brown coat.

It was December. The 2nd of December to be exact.

I take out my red scarf and my black vans.

I put on everything and walk into the living room.

Maou was still sitting there, watching Animal Planet.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to the mall, I need to get something for Meila-San." I said.

Meila is my best friend that I met at the hospital where I now work.

Meila was having a baby soon, and I needed to get her something for the baby girl.

"Oh, okay. When will you be home?" Maou asked, sitting up.

"Um, let's see... It's 3 PM, so... About 5 or 6." I said.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Bye!" I said and kissed him on the cheek.


I picked up my car keys and entered my white Lexus NX.

I drove to the mall and thought about what I would get Meila.

Probably something girly... Like a dress!

Once I entered the mall, I went straight to the baby store.

Before I could enter, someone ran right into me.

We both fell on the floor.

"Ah! So sorry!" The woman said.

"Don't worry about it." I said and helped her up.

"My name is Tachibana Aiza." She stood out her hand.

"Keniki Isha, nice to meet you, Tachibana-san." I shook her hand.

"Keniki-san, I'm in a big hurry, here's my number, we should get together for coffee sometime!" She wrote down a number and gave it to me.

"Okay. Bye!"


I went into the store after that.

Tachibana-San looks very nice. She has light brown hair, eyes the color of crystals, and an amazing figure.

She looks kinda shy and socially awkward, though. Eh, let's shop for Meila now.

I ended up buying her daughter a cute white dress that fades into a light pink at the ends.

Before I left I noticed something on a rack of magazines.

As I examined closer, my eyes grew wide.

"T-Tachibana-San?!" I whispered.

Tachibana-San was on the cover of a magazine called: Pop Weekly. It looks like Tachibana-San is a model.

Wait! I just met a famous model!


I go home happy and whistle into my house.

"Someone's happy!" Maou said once I tackled him in a hug.

"You'll never guess who I met!" I squealed.

"Who?" Maou chuckled.

"Do you know a Tachibana Aiza?" I asked.

"You met the Tachibana Aiza-san!" Maou exclaimed.

"Yeah!" I gleamed.

"Ah! Friends are nice..." I said as I plopped myself on the couch.

"Hey, do you have work tomorrow?" I asked Maou.

"Yeah, why?"

I groaned. "Because I have to visit Meila and I didn't want to go alone."

Maou chuckled, "I thought Miyagi-san was your best friend." He said.

"She is! There are some days though, where I want to kick her in the throat because of her mood swings." I said.

"Well, good luck. Tell Miyagi-san that I said hey too!" He said.

"Yeah, yeah." I grumbled.

Then I began thinking...

"I wonder what happened with Chiho." I said aloud.

"Probably moved. I hope so, anyway." Maou said.

Heartwarming memories and bitter, horrible, memories filled my mind.

"I hope God punished her." I snorted.

"The man knows what he's doing." Maou said and sat next to me.

"I don't even know what I'm doing with my life yet." I sighed.

"Eh, we're still young."

"Yeah, you're like what, 24 in this world? I'm like 23?" I asked him.

"Yeah. We got time." He said.

"I'm tired." I groaned.

"It's only 5:30!" Maou exclaimed.

I laughed. "I know."



YA like it?

I don't know, it's a little boring, but it'll get better.

Tachibana Aiza and Miyagi Meila-san will play big roles in this book.


Comment if you like Aiza, or if you don't trust her.

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