(5) Note

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For the next few days, I was extremely cautious.

I was a little distracted from my work and slacked off a little bit.

I sit at home now, doing paperwork and stressing out.

I fill out papers that my boss wanted me to.

"Isha... You need to relax a little." Maou said from behind me.

"I can't keep up with this." I sighed.

He wrapped is arms around my neck.

I felt his breath on my neck and it gave me shivers.

"I found something." He whispered.

Suddenly interested, I spun the swivel chair to face him.

"What'd you find?" I asked.

"Another note." He said bluntly.

"Another note?!" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Something more easier, like they want us to know."

"Sounds like a death trap...to themselves." I said.

He nodded. "It's too easy. There's got to be something that they're trapping us with."

I sighed. "What did it say?" I asked, bracing myself for another death threat.

"It's a poem." He began and recited it.

"I hope you liked that house.

The house you lived, the house you wished to live, the house with all your... Family.

It'll burn with your death.

I hope you liked that hospital you work at.

For it shall be burned with the rest.

I hope you like your 'gang'. They'll burn with the rest.

I hope you liked your boyfriend. I'll kill him as well.

I hope you loved yourself. Because once you're burned, the fire spreads, and everything with burn with you.

Count your days. Treasure what you have for the last time before I pull out my lighter and set off this tragic forest fire." He recited.

"My God... This guys a freak!" I exclaimed.

"A great writer, but a freak." Maou said.



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