10: Secrets

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El finally wanted to leave the room, not that I didn't like being alone with her in the bedroom, but I need to see the light of day every once and a while. Carlisle put her on a high dose of morphine, so she's currently laying on the couch with her head on my lap, asleep. At least she doesn't feel the pain anymore, only if she were awake though. If I don't want her in pain, which I don't, she's forced to sleep. If I want her awake, which is nice, she's in pain. So either she's awake and in pain, or no pain and asleep. There's gotta be away to have both.

Carlisle's been hiding something from me, I know. He's knows something and he's keeping me in the dark about it. I also know that it's about Elizabeth, I'll find out sooner or later. I imprinted, somebody'll give in and tell me every detail. It's not gonna be too pretty either. My job is to protect El, be there for her, be anything for her, do anything for her. The truth always makes its way around, and when it makes its way to me, I will kill Carlisle if I have to.

"Jacob, uh, long time no see." Charlie Swan greets.

"You either. How's life been?" I ask.

"Well between you and me, a real pain in the ass. Just don't tell Bella."

"Secret's safe with me."

"Good, and uh how's she been holding up?" She referring to El.

"Better, I guess. All we've managed from her is Leave me alone or Shut up. But it's better than watching her writhe in pain."

"Yeah, well I'll see you later kid."

"You too."

Jacob's upset that Carlisle has me on morphine, trust me, I want to be awake, but I don't want to be in pain either. I mean Jacob doesn't want me in pain either, he just wants the old me back, the happy me back. He's been talking to Carlisle for the past hour about finding something to get rid of the pain, but not put me to sleep. What I'm hooked to right now seems to work just fine with doing that. Whatever it is, it isn't morphine. I look at the bag a little closer, Vervien. Vervien! That's it. This might've happened because I didn't take the vervien on the full moon. Jake and Carlisle walk in looking none to pleased.

"Guys, I think I figured it out." I state clapping my hands.

"Figured what out?" Jake gives me a curious look.

"Why this has been happening. I didn't take the vervien on the full moon, so that messed everything up. That and it kills pain, without making me sleep."

"That very well could be it." Carlisle says.
Well, crap. I guess I should've took the morphine today. Carlisle said when I'm on morphine, I can't take my ADHD medicine. So guess what, I have to wait until tomorrow to take it if it's gonna work. If I take it now, I'll be more jittery that what I already am.

"Stop." Jake says pulling my hand away from the bandage on my arm. I huff a sigh, then he drops my hand. I go back to playing with the bandage. "Stop!" Jake scolds pulling my hand away again, but this time he doesn't let go.

"Let go! Not like it's hurting anybody!" I try to pull my hand loose.

"Elizabeth." Sue says.

"What?" I ask stopping what I was doing.

"Leave the bandage alone." She says withba soft tone.

"You're in on it too!" I yell going back to pulling my hand loose.

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