7: Hypnotic

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WARNING: This chapter's contents may not be acceptable for some. Reader discretion advised.
Fighting my brother doesn't last more than five seconds.

One Mississippi... I throw the first punch not losing eye contact

Two Mississippi... He's blocks it

Three Mississippi... I receive a painful blow to the stomach

Four Mississippi... I curl up in pain as my brother waits for a counter attack that isn't coming
"Again!" I demand taking off my jacket.

"Are you sure?" Gabe asks. I charge at him and kick his legs out from under him. He gets up and swings at my head, I dodge quickly. I swing at his gut and he falls over. Gabe kicks my legs out from under me. I get back up and dust my self off. I kick him in the side of the jaw and feel it crack. Gabe fixes his jaw and gets up. "Good job." He congratulates with a crooked smile.

"I just kicked your ass!" I exclaim. Jacob walks out onto the porch and plops down.

"Who ass did you kick?" Jake smirks.

"Mine." Gabe grumbles.

"Took you long enough El." Jake says. I roll my eyes and give him 'the finger'. Jake chuckles and walks back inside. Gabe pats my back.

"You did good. Fighting that is. Flipping your boyfriend off doesn't make of anything." Gabe smirks.

"Well you'd be damned to bloody hell if you ever had a bitch to yourself." I give him a quick hug.

"Tomorrow we work on using your abilities." He states walking off.

"Got it!" I call after him.
I stand at the counter with my arms being the only thing supporting me, one leg pushed back farther than the other. I can feel hands sliding into my front pockets. A kiss on the collarbone, then a few in my neck, and another on my jawbone. I turn my head and my lips meet Jacob's. He takes his hands out of my pockets and spins me to face him. Our lips lock as his hands slide just below my waist. As we come up for air, he lift me onto the countertop. I put my finger in his belt tools and pull him to me allowing my legs to dangle on his sides. Jake's hands slide up under my shirt as we kiss. Slowly, I push my hands under his. We're broken up by a knock on the door. I jump down and peck his neck. The more innocent version of his little show earlier.

"Oh my God we know you two are here! Hurry up!" Quil? I open the door then cross my arms and cock out my hip.

"What Quil?" I growl.

"When are you guys coming back?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "Jake, when are we going back to Forks?" I call.

"2 or 3 weeks Quil!" Wolf telepathy.

"Why the hell did you show up when you could've used telepathy?" My eyebrow raises. Quil scratches his neck then runs. "Asshole!"
"Quil did it on purpose, ya know." Jake sighs.

"I know, that's why I called him an asshole."

"Can't have any hybrid babies running around." He chuckles.

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