Nutwhisker studied the grey she cat. He knew she was itching to come out of the den and do things. Over the past moon, she had definitely gotten a lot stronger and she was able to walk quite easily. So getting there wasn't too hard. But what if there was a battle? No, there wouldn't be a fight. Not at a gathering.

After a long pause, Nutwhisker finally dipped his head slightly in agreement. "Alright."

Hazefang squealed excitedly and leapt up from her nest, hobbling over to Nutwhisker and giving him a joyful lick on his shoulder. "Oh thank you! Thank you! I thought I'd never get out of this den!" Her eyes shone blissfully as she started toward the medicine den tunnel. "Can I go out while I wait for the gathering?"

"Yes, but be careful." Nutwhisker meowed and turned back to the herb stock as Hazefang raced out, her paws thrumming on the ground. Bits of soil fell onto Nutwhisker's back from the shaking roof and for a heartbeat he thought the roof was going to cave in. But when the vibrating stopped, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the herbs.

I'll have to remind Dawnheart to get a couple of warriors to strengthen the roof of the medicine den and nursery before they cave in. Nutwhisker thought to himself as he picked up a withered leaf and tossed it into the pile of other dead herbs.


Soon enough, the sun started to set and Stormstar led his patrol out for the gathering. Watersplash and Shinewing had declined the offer to go to the gathering so only Nutwhisker was going. He trotted at the end of the patrol, letting Hazefang lean against him as she limped out of camp.

Nutwhisker felt Hazefang's fur tremble against him and she breathed in the many scents around her. A stab of realisation hit Nutwhisker when he remembered that Hazefang had never been out of the medicine den since she first arrived in camp. She had never explored the new territory before.

"Enjoying the outdoors?" Nutwhisker asked Hazefang as the former rogue continued to breath deeply.

"I wish I could stay here longer..." She murmured, her eyes blinking sadly. "But I miss my old home, with my family ans friends."

"I understand how you feel." Nutwhisker nodded, his voice vague. He didn't want Hazefang to ask any questions about his personal life.

Luckily, she didn't say anything and Nutwhisker used that pause to change the subject. "So are you excited for the gathering?"

"Very." Hazefang meowed. "This will be my first gathering ever. I'm kind of nervous. What if I don't act the right way?"

"As long as you stick near me you'll be okay." Nutwhisker meowed reassuringly.

"Thank you." Hazefang meowed, quickening her pace slightly as the clan trotted across the empty beach and toward a cluster of large grey and brown rocks. The sound of waves crashing on the shore beside them sent calming chills down Nutwhisker's spine. He breathed in the salty air and closed his eyes for a heartbeat, his worries melting away into the sand as he walked. Everything will be okay.

Lightclan reached the rocky area just as the moon hit its highest point. The many unfamiliar scents and pawsteps in the sand told Nutwhisker that they were the last to arrive.

He climbed onto the first rock, his claws unsheathed to grip the damp, slippery surface, and he looked ahead of him to see a large group of cats clustering around a huge ledge. Their backs faced the sea, their attention glued to the three leaders atop the tall ledge of stone. Nutwhisker breathed in the many scents and managed to bit out the vaguely familiar scent of Ravenclan. They smelled faintly of damp leaves and pine trees.

Nutwhisker followed his clanmates as they filed into the spacious clearing to join the other cats. Immediately, warriors darted away with hisses and yowls.

"We're being attacked!" Yowled a brown tabby she. Her ears were pinned back against her head and her fangs and claws glowed in the moonlight glaring down at her.

Stormstar flicked his tail to order his cats to stop where they were. He studied the cats around him, then up at the three leaders. "We are a new clan here, we mean you no harm."

"Lies!" A white and brown furred tom snarled. "Intruders! You've come to take our territories!"

Stormstar's tail lashed but he kept a calm voice. "My name in Stormstar. I am the leader of Lightclan. Jaggedstar," he flicked his ears at the massive dark tom, "invited us here to meet you tonight."

Jaggedstar rose to his paws, his amber gaze staring at the Lightclan cats. He meowed in a strong, confident voice. "Welcome Stormstar of Lightclan to our gathering."

The other two leaders dipped their heads toward Stormstar and his clanmates and Nutwhisker felt a pair of warm eyes staring at him. He looked around for the owner of the eyes until he spotted Vixentooth seated with two other cats at the bottom of the ledge. The Ravenclan medicine cat held a friendly gaze as he beckoned Nutwhisker over with his tail.

Nutwhisker rose to his paws and nudged Hazefang, "Come on. Let's sit with the other medicine cats." He helped Hazefang across the clearing and into the small dip in the ground where the other medicine cats sat.


This is one day late.. :/ Sorry

Warriors: A New Life ~Series 2 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now