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'Sshh!  That's the big Lotto draw on!'

    The Murray family settled down on the couch, watching the lottery draw on television.  The girls were very excited and kept jumping up in front of the TV, much to the annoyance of Jack.

    He knew that he probably wouldn't win, but it was great to think that it was possible.

    'Calm down, girls.'  Eve said.  'It's only a lottery ticket.'  The girls deflated and sat down with their legs crossed on the floor.  Jack ignored them and sat, focusing on the television.

    'And the numbers are...'

    'Shush!  This is it!'  Jack shouted, holding his hand up and gesturing for them to be quiet.  

    'Number six... number sixteen... number three... and number five.'

    Jack looked down at his lottery ticket and inhaled deeply.  He had all the numbers.  They were all there.  All he needed now was the final big number.  It was called the Fireball.  He had written down six for the Fireball.  He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly.

    'Come on, come on...' he whispered.  He clasped his slightly shaking hands together, as if in silent prayer.

    'And now for the Fireball.'  the blonde television presenter smiled.  She gestured towards a fat man in a suit, who was standing next to a large red button.  'Take it away, Bill.'

    The fat man nodded stonily faced and pressed the button.  The balls were released into the machine and they began to rotate.  This continued for a minute or so before a single red ball rolled down into the tube.  Number six.  

    Jack opened his eyes and looked at the ball on the television screen.  His eyes widened before he jumped up onto the couch.  

    'Yes!  We won!  WE WON!!!'  

    Eve screamed with pleasure and ran over to hug him.  The girls looked at each other, mouths wide open with disbelief.  

    'I can't believe it!' he shouted.  'We're rich!  WE'RE FUCKING RICH!  YES!'

    'Jack!'  Eve exclaimed.  'Not in front of the...'  She almost finished the sentence before she collapsed into a fit of giggles.  'We are rich... aren't we?'

    'I know...' Jack said, with a huge beaming smile.  The girls rushed over and hugged him, while Eve sat on the couch, still shocked.

    'Well,'  she said.  'You'd better phone the number on the ticket.'

    'Oh yeah, I guess they'll be wanting to know who won.' he said.  He wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked over to the phone.  He dialled the number and picked up the receiver.  The phone was picked up after the second ring.

    'Hello, is that the Lotto company?'  

    Eve looked on as he paused for a second.

    'Yes, em, my name's Jack Murray and, what?  Oh, er yes.  As I was saying, er, I think I have the winning ticket.

    The next day, a couple of men from the Lottery company came round to his house to verify the ticket.  They concluded that it was a valid ticket and asked for his bank and credit card details.  He provided them and they told him that an amount of three and a half million pounds would be paid into his bank account in the next couple of days.

    Jack Murray was rich.  He now had more money than he had ever imagined.

    Now it was only a matter of what he would spend the money on.

    To be continued...

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