Chapter 12 - The Sinking Ship

Start from the beginning

Grabbing the emergency bags all rooms were supplied with, Arthur turns to instruct Alfred and Matthew to grip the flaps and not let go.

"Y/N is too big with the jacket for her to run easily or for you to pick up." Alfred notes, Arthur turns around giving Alfred a glare, but your little group already knows Arthur's decision.

Helping you back out of the vest, Arthur grabs your hand.

"Don't let go." He says sternly. His emerald eyes clash with yours and you nod.

'And when our eyes meet/ I know you see'

"Let's go." He says stepping out of the ship. Everyone picks up the pace, Alfred and Matthew holding to the backpacks straps and you holding Arthur's hand.

Arthur spots a sailor directing people towards the bow.

"Sir, what is going on?"

"Where your parents?" The man snapped back ignoring your group and moving away to help the richer passengers. You feel Alfred tug on the back of your shirt.

"Matthew and I are going to go find Mom and Dad." He whispers, Arthur hears him and turns around in rage.

"For the love of all that is good we aren't splitting up."

"So you don't want to save them? That's because they aren't your parents."

"That isn't the point! This is a very dangerous situation!"

"We don't have time to argue guys." Matthew says trying to break them up.

"Well if this idiot-" The both start to yell at the same time. The ships suddenly starts to tip and you fall down and start to slide towards the edge.

"Y/N!" They scream rushing after you; you start to slip off the edge

Arthur reaches out and you reach forward your fingertips brushing. You scream as the ship rocks again and you're falling.

'I do not want to be afraid'

"Y/N!" Alfred yells making a movement as if to jump off after you. Arthur holds him back with a shake of the head.

"Alfred, we can't-"

"She's my sister you bastard. I'm going after her!"

'I do not want to die inside just to breathe in'

You hit the water with a loud smack, your limbs flailing as the cold water starts to encase you. Your eyes get heavy with a sudden urge to go to sleep.

'I'm tired of feeling so numb'

You want to cry out.

You want to scream.

You just want it all to end.

You want to go home and sit on your large couch for a family of six and watch a movie.

Fight for the popcorn.

Laugh together.

Cry together.

Be together.

"When this ends, will everything still be the same?" You wonder. The darkness starts to seep in as the light from the sun becomes a round dot in your vision.

'Relief exists I find it when /I am cut'



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