Get It Out

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     I run a hand through my hair, other hand on my hip, and sigh in frustration. All of us- Lost, Cas, Emma, Josh's pack- are in the living room of the apartment. It's crowded but no one's complaining.
     "We can't just let her get away," Joanne says, earning her hums and grunts of agreement.
     Lost, at my side, says, "I'm not. I'll have her head for what she's done to me, our people."
     The room vibrates with excited murmurs and I touch Lost's arm to try to keep her level headed. She falls into other's emotions too quickly.
     "How do we find her?" Cas asks, arms crossed.
     "You're not involved," Lost says quickly. "You have Emma. Magic will surely hurt you."
     Cas snorts. "And you have Kahlan. We all have someone we care about. I'm still helping."
     I still at the thought of Cas knowing about my relationship with Lost, but Lost stares at Cas, lips pursed, until Emma pipes up, "She's stubborn. You might as well let her help."
     Lost sighs but accepts Cas's help, then starts to make plans with Josh's pack. I wasn't sure if they'd be so willing to get into this but they're practically hungry for the prospect of a hunt. I move away from the commotion so I can text Leon. He needs to know about this. His people are the ones after that brunette after all.
     Almost immediately Leon texts me back, telling me to stay put. I don't know what he has in mind but he better do it quick, because Lost is on the war path, and I don't blame her. It's only natural for her to want revenge after what happened. I want revenge, too, but I'm at least in the right mind to want a decent plan to follow.
     Stuffing my phone in my pocket I return to Lost's side and try to catch up with what she's talking about.
     "We need a witch," someone suggests.
     Without missing a beat Lost says, "I know a trustworthy one."
     I already know who she's talking about. "Lost, we're not involving Tiffany in this."
     She locks eyes with me, and I see defiance in her that was never present before. "She would want to be involved. She went through what I went through."
     "That's fair. But she has Gerry to worry about. Why don't we talk to Deanna? She's a witch. She can help."
     Lost's jaw ticks, but she concedes. "Okay."
     I actually thought she'd defy me. That's not a bad thing, I'm all for her having individual thoughts, but I was scared that she'd yell or fight with me. We've never had conflict and the thought of our first fight makes me cringe.
     Stepping close to me, Lost grunts. "I'm sorry. I'm upset, but not at you. I'm sorry." She shuffles her feet uncomfortably, rolling her shoulders.
     "It's okay. Why don't we all relax?" I say, turning towards the rest of the room. "I've contacted Leon and he's sure to have a plan. It's been a tiresome day. You all should go home and I'll call when we've got something."
     Josh's pack grumbles, even Cas huffs in discontent, but Josh and Joanne step up to me. Josh gives me his number then shakes my hand. "We'll drop everything to help. We know some people who will join, too."
     "We do," Joanne confirms. "All the people from the party are grateful and will join us," she tells Lost. "They'll join you."
     Lost shakes Josh and Joanne's hands, respectively. "Come to me, too, if there's anything you need assistance with. Leon may need paperwork and the proper channels, but I work for my people."
     Respect in his eyes, Josh smiles. "You'll be a legend by tomorrow."
     "Make sure my ballad is kind."
     Rumbling with laughter, Josh snakes his arm around Joanne's waist, who accepts it fully and leans into him. Then Josh whistles and his pack gets moving. They stand and shuffle out of the front door one by one, waving to Lost and I as they leave. Cas and Emma wait for them all to be gone, and when they are, Cas puckers her lips. "So they're definitely not human, right?"
     I chuckle as Lost says, "Werewolves."
     Cas opens her mouth to no doubt ask countless follow up questions but Emma opens the front door and insists that they go home to rest as well. Cas only fights for a moment, but stops when Emma whispers something fiercely, causing Cas to turn a lovely shade of pink before stomping out of the apartment. I'm curious as to what Emma said to make Cas, always the brash one, react that way. But Emma waves sweetly and is gone a second after Cas. Lost and I are finally left alone.
     "Are you going to talk to Deanna or should I?" Lost asks, not quite stomping to the kitchen. She fetches her donuts and eats five or six in one go.
     I join her in the kitchen and take the donuts away before she finishes off the whole bag in a fit. She gives me a chipmunk cheeked frown but doesn't stop me from putting the donuts back into the pantry. "I'll contact her."
     Lost mumbles something but powdery white drips from her mouth instead of words.
     "Chew," I encourage her, trying not laugh. "Swallow."
     She does, then licks her lips, messing them with speckles and moisture. "Tell her I need a Siren."
     Pushing the need to question about Sirens aside, I ask, "What for?"
     "A Siren can take the image of that woman from my head, if Deanna doesn't already know what she looks like. We might be able to use a location spell with what's in my head if the Siren is experienced enough."
     My lips are sucked into my mouth as I think on that. I have no idea how a Siren can do that, but Lost knows way more about all this than I do. "Well, alright," I eventually say. "I'll tell her."
     "Good. The sooner we get this woman, the better. I want her gone from this earth, this plane, this dimension."
     That sounds extreme. "Don't do anything until we have a plan, though, okay? I don't want you going out half cocked and end up hurting yourself."
     Lost licks the white around her mouth then smacks her lips together. "Can I have my donuts back?"
     I slap my hand on the pantry door. "Are you going to try something on your own with that woman?"
     "Mm... No. She has witches working for her. Going alone would be stupid."
     "And you're going to wait until we have a plan? And all of us are in on it?"
     Lost's eyes narrow. "Have you been trained by a demon?"
     "What? I don't even- Just tell me you're going to wait until Leon and Deanna have a battle strategy."
     "Yes, okay," she finally sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm just very passionate about this. That woman kept me from you and she's going to pay for it."
     Ooh, I think. So that's it. She's not so much stuck on revenge for herself, her torture, but she's upset on my behalf. I should have guessed. She's only ever truly gotten furious when I was involved in some way. This is no different, apparently.
     "Thank you, for waiting," I say, moving away from the pantry. "And I understand why you're so intent on this. Don't worry, we'll get her."
     Lost rushes back to her donuts and shoves three into her mouth with the purpose of someone starved. "I'll have her head for you," she says, muffled, around the sweets.
     I wipe the corner of Lost's mouth with my thumb then suck the powder away. My thumb pops out of my mouth and I pretend that having someone's head is a gift. In Lost's world, I think, it is.

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