Six Degrees of Separation

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     My blankets give me a heat flash so I throw them off me in a huff. I'm already pissed and irritated and disgruntled and angry and every other word for it. I don't need this heat to make it worse for me.
     I struggle out of this damn medical bed and push my hair out of my face. I need to get out of here and find Lost. She disappeared last night with no trace, along with all the witches, and I haven't been able to call her back to me. She always comes back, always, when I want her to. I don't even have to say it out loud for her to come to me. With the way I'm feeling, too, should have her running to my side. Something's happened to her and no one is listening to me.
     "Alright so I've got sausage or bacon," Cas declares as she enters my room, two wrapped sandwiches in her hands. She looks up at me from the labels on the sandwich wrappers and frowns. "Whoa, hey. You're not supposed to be up."
     "I need to find her," I mutter, looking for those slippers one of the doctors got me so I wouldn't have to freeze my feet on the way to the bathroom.
     "We got ya," Cas says. "But, uh, you shouldn't be up. Mariam? Mariam!"
     Mariam rushes into the room, spots me, and rolls her eyes. "Seriously? This is the fourth time. Get back into bed, please."
     I wave my hand dismissively and skip the slippers. "She's out there somewhere." Holding the back of my gown together, I scuffle towards the door. "We have to find her."
     "We will," Mariam soothes, moving to block my path. "The General is exhausting all his channels to find her."
     "It's not enough!"
     My voice echoes off the walls and both Mariam and Cas stare at me. I wipe my face, slipping my hand into my hair to scratch across my scalp in frustration.
     "It's not enough," I repeat, quieter this time.
Mariam adjusts her glasses and gives me a sympathetic look. "Sit down."
     I groan but do it, falling heavily on the bed. All I'm concerned with is getting Lost back from whatever Hell she might be in. I don't have time to sit here and do nothing.
     "We're all doing what we can," Mariam says softly. "I've seen it myself. The General is just as upset about this as you are."
     "They took her, Mariam," I almost sob. "They... They took her. Lost. How could they do that? She's a damn superhero and they took her!"
     Mariam nods and accepts my rage without attempting to shut me down. "I know. I know."
     "In our own home!" I continue, almost growling. "They wrecked my home, Mariam. They kidnapped six people and a child with no issues."
     "They did."
     "But they didn't take me," I finish lamely, sagging. "Why?"
     "I don't know."
     "Obviously they only wanted magical creatures," Cas chimes in, munching on the bacon sandwich she brought.
     "Cas!" Mariam scolds.
     My brow furrows as Cas shrugs and continues to eat. "No," I mumble. "She's right. They were all witches, and Lost is a part of their world. And the witches were afraid!" I stand abruptly and throw my hands up. "We have to tell the General. There's- there's a pack of crazy people killing witches and they took Lost. We have to find them."
     "Kahlan, take it easy."
     "Don't tell me to take it easy, Mariam. Lost is missing and I'm going to find her. I don't give a damn if you or the General don't believe in witches and magic."
     "Here, here," Cas hollers, mouth full.
     I ignore her and continue, "I'll go by myself if I have to. I don't care. I'm not leaving her to those psychos."
     Mariam sighs. "How? You have no resources on your own. We're on it, I promise you. We already have a few leads."
     I perk up. "Really?"
     "Yes. We're not stupid. This is serious, Kahlan. We can't have a group like this running around kidnapping innocent people."
     "What about me? I want to help. Lost is probably going nuts thanks to me. She's going to need me when we find her."
     "I agree. But for now, until we have eyes on her, you need to stay calm."
     I nod, knowing that's true. Lost will be having a harder time if she has to deal with my strong emotions along with whatever she's feeling as well. Who knows what she's being put through right now?
     "I can do that," I finally say, forcing myself to relax.
     "Good, because your profiling skills are going to come in handy now."

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