18. Aw fück

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Shayde POV
I wake up to two blue eyes staring at me. I scream. I sit up and realize its Aria.

"Crap, you scared me!" I yell. The door burst open and Ace jumps into my room with a teddy bear.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Yeah Aria just scared me." I say and Ace nods.



"If there were a burglar of all things why would you bring a stuffed animal?" I ask.

"Sargent Cuddles is not a stuffed animal. He is a protector of the wilderness." He says. I burst out laughing. Ace scowls and walks off. Aria turns to me.

"I wanted to see if you and Anthony and Ace wanted to come to my dance competition?" She asked.

"Yeah of course." I say smiling. She smiles and goes to her room. I get up and go downstairs and grab breakfast. Ace joins me in the dining room. "Want to come with Anthony and I to Aria's dance competition.

"Yeah sure." He says grabbing a bowl of cereal. I nod and finish my cereal. I go upstairs and watch TV. Ace comes in and jumps on my bed ext to me wearing a grey hoodie, basketball shorts, and some black Nike socks. He lets out a relaxed sigh as he stretches out. He turns to me. 

"Hi." He says.

"Hello" I say. He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. I smile and I prop myself on my elbows. I look at him and he is looking back at me.  

"Your so beautiful." He says. I blush.

"Thank you." I mumble. He chuckles and takes my chin and pulls me down to his lips. The kiss is slow, sweet, and passionate. We pull away. 

"We should get ready for Aria's performance." I suggest. He nods and gets up.


I go into my closet and put on a black and red lace skater dress and white vans. I leave my hair down and put on a hang-off beanie and grab my leather jacket. Anthony left early because Aria has to get ready with her team. I go into Alaina's room. Her hair is neatly combed and she is wearing a blue dress. I grab her hand and see Ace downstairs, waiting for us. He is wearing a black button down dress shirt, tan skinny jeans, and white vans. He smiles at me and grab his keys and Alaina straps herself into her car seat and I get in the passenger side. He heads to her dance competition which is not to far from here.

I get out of the car and unbuckle Alaina out of her seat. We go inside and see Anthony on his phone. "Hey dopey." I say to him.

"Hey." he says back not paying attention. I laugh and we take our seats. The lights dim and the lights on stage turn on.

"Here is our last dance of the day! Called: Free the People." The announcer says. We got here just in time. Aria and some other girls enter onto the stage. They get in their positions and the dance starts. The girls are wearing red white and blue and american flag print as well. We watch as they dance gracefully on the stage and soon the dance comes to an end. We clap and Anthony whistles. 

"I'll be right back I have to go to the restroom"I say and Ace nods. I walk towards the restrooms then I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and no one is there. I turn back around and the a hand goes over my mouth. I'm pushed into a janitors closet. I look to see Ashlynn and Trey. (Trey was in the beginning he was the one that spread rumors about Shayde and Ace.)

"Listen bitch, you are going to cooperate with us and if you don't we will make your life miserable starting with your siblings.." Ashlynn threatens. My eyes widened. I look at Trey and he smashes his lips on mine and I didn't kiss back and try my best to get out of his grip. "Perfect! Now Ace will break up with you and come crawling back to me." She says.

"No! Stop!" I yell but it was too late she had sent it. My heart dropped. I walked out of the janitors closet and Ashlynn and Trey run off. I race into the theater.Ace see's me and stares. He shakes his head, then he gets up and leaves. Tears begin streaming down my face. I wipe them away furiously. Aria joins us in the parking lot. Anthony looks at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head and brush past him. I try and text Ace. 

'Please let me explain' 

'I don't want an excuse. Leave me alone. From now on we are nothing but roommates until I leave.' He replies. A sob escapes my lips.


"Shayde, I'm going to go meet up with some friends and Ace has some gang business to take care of so its just you and the girls and Scooby." He says. I nod and flip through the channels. The house is quiet except for the TV.

I hear a scream pierce the silence throughout the house. I get up and run into Alaina's room. Nothing. Then I run into Aria's room. Nothing. I check all the rooms still nothing. "Aria! Alaina! This isn't funny." I yell. I see a note of the table.

Come to the old wear house on the bad side town if you ever want to see the girls again.
-Chase and yours truly, Marc

Someone knocks on the door which causes me to jump. I open the door and there stands Ace's mom.

"My daughter was kidnapped!" She cries.

"So were my sisters." I say. "I'll find them. " I tell her and she nods.

"Stay here and lock all the doors." I tell her and she nods. I grab my pocketknife and put it in my shoe. Ace shows up at the doorway.

"What's going on?" He asks. I ignore him. He grabs my wrist and I yank it out of his grip. I hear Ace yelling after me but I take off sprinting it's about 6 miles but I don't care. I arrive at the wear house and run inside.

"Shayde! Ace! Long time no see." Marc says. I glare. 

"Not long enough." I retort. I look behind me and see Ace just running in. I curse. 

"Now Shayde I wouldn't do that now with these 3 little girls being the ones your about to lose." He says.

Three men come in each holding a girl. Aria, Adrianna, and Alaina. The girls are pale and bruised. "Leave them alone. They are only kids." I yell. Just then. Alec, Camden, Jaxon, Ryder, Tanner, and Xander run in. Everyone has a gun pointed at some one except for me. Marc has his gun aimed at the girls and Chase and Ace have their guns aimed at each other. Ashlynn has a gun aimed at me. "Please leave them." I plead. I see Marc starting to press down on the trigger. Just before it goes off I jump in front of the girls. Pain sears into lower abdomen and my shoulder. I drop to the ground. Everything just stops. Ashlynn and Trey join my father and Chase all of them smirking down at me. Sirens are heard throughout the area. My vision blurs as Ashlynn, Trey, Chase, and my father are taken away. Ace comes into view. His lips are moving but nothing is coming out. I slowly fall into darkness.

A/N OK the last chapter is weird. Wattpad was being a shit and it didn't fully load the entire chapter. So after the Clarissa part a shooting broke out which was a message for Shayde and Ace. Shayde worked up over it and went home. Anyways... So this book is almost down but I think there will be a surprise at their end.


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