5. Hurt won't Happen

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I grin at Shayde. "How did you get in here?" She asks looking at me and glancing at the road.

"Well you see this door right here, yeah I used that." I say sarcastically.

"No shit, Sherlock." She says rolling her eyes. I laugh as her annoyed look turns to irritated. "What I mean is, why are you in my car?" She asks.

"I didn't have a ride so I snuck in to your car." I said shrugging. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"You could've asked." She states and I laugh as we pull into the club. We walk inside and I see a bunch of people dancing, drinking, making out, or doing something dumb. The song Honey I'm Good by Andy Grammar is playing but its almost done. Shayde texts someone on her phone and looks up at the crowd.

"Is it okay if I hang with you for a little?" She asks and I grin.

"Sure." I say winking. Then a different song comes on. I grab her hand and she doesn't resist as I pull her to the dance floor. She spaces herself from me and I smirk.

"You know your small but feisty so why are you holding back?" I ask. She smirks and comes closer trailing her fingers along my chest and then she comes up behind me and puts my hand over my mouth and whispers in my ear.

She said "Shut up and dance with me, jerk." (Cue music)
Oh don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on me
I said your holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oooo shut up and dance with me.

We both laugh I spin her and dip her backward and we continue dancing until the song ends.

We catch our breaths "That was very fun." Shayde says and smiles at me. I nod at her and smile back.

"Well I need to talk to Tanner and find Shailene." she says and a hurt look crosses my face but I cover it up with an emotion less one and walk away.
Shayde POV
A hurt look spreads across Ace's face and I instantly regret saying anything. He walks off and I sigh. I see Shailene and she see's me.
"Hey Shailene" I say.

"Ayo" She says.

"So did you find Tanner yet?" She asks.

"No I was dancing with Ace and no not dirty dancing." I said cutting her off from speaking. I look around and see Anthony all alone.

"Hey Anthony is alone go give him company." I said smirking and pushing her in his direction. He spotted Shailene and smiled. I turned around and saw Tanner making his way upstairs to the other part of the party. I ran after him calling his name. As I caught up to him a girl came up to him and started kissing him and he kissed back.

"Tanner?" I said my voice surprised and kind of hurt. Tanner and the girl pull away and she glares at me.

Tanner whispered something in her and she walked away. "What?!" He snapped.

I flinch, "The post was a lie why are you still upset at me?" I say. Tears brimming my eyes.

"Yeah, the post may have been a lie but what about when you two were just dancing together or when I passed by in my car all over each other." He yells.

"Don't jump to fricking conclusions! He was hugging me because my mother is in the hospital and going to die soon, you dumb ass! He was just comforting me!" I yelled. Tanner now looked shocked and then he walks off and bumps my shoulder. I run down the steps and past the people in the party and stop when I'm outside. I let the out a breath I seemed to be holding. I hear some people coming. I look at them and they are actually quite scary looking.

"Hey there darling." One of them said backing me up against the wall and putting his hands on either side of my head. He grabs my waist and I punch him in the nose. He grabs my arm and I use my other hand to punch him in the gut. His friend grabs my arms and puts them between my shoulder blades and I hiss in pain. The first guy punches me repeatedly in the stomach and I start to have trouble breathing as he holds my throat against the wall. Then I'm dropped. I move towards the corner of the wall.

*Flash Back*
I was 14 years old. I couldn't breathe, my sides hurt, my head hurt. Everything hurt. It was all because of one man. One man I thought was family. My father. "Please help." I wheeze hopelessly. No one else was home. The door opened and I see Anthony. He see's me and he throws a punch at my dad. My mom walks in and she see's the situation. She yells at my dad to get out and never come back.
*End of Flashback*

"Jeff? Ernie? What the hell?" A voice says and I realize that's Ace's voice.

"We told you we would get you back and this is only the beginning she is your obvious weakness!" The guys yell as they run off.

"Ace?" I say weakly and my voice hoarse. He wraps his arms around me and I smile weakly and wince because my lip is split.

"Shh, its okay. I'm right here." He says. He helps me stand up. "Let's go find Anthony." He says. We walk to find Anthony. He pulls me close. My head is leaning against him his arms are wrapped around me, shielding me from anyone who stares.

We find Shailene and Anthony quickly. "I'm taking Shayde home, I'll explain to you both later." Ace says. He takes me to my car he opens the passenger door and helps me in. He gets into the driver side and starts driving home.
-10 minutes later-
I get out of the car and so does Ace. We both walk into our room and I change into plaid pajama pants, a black sports bra, a loose grey crop top, and some Nike socks.

Ace walks out of the bathroom wearing sweats and a T-shirt, in his hand a first aid kit. He takes a cotton swab and puts some disinfectant on it. He wipes the the cotton swab on the cut above my eyebrow. I hiss in pain as it stings.

"Sorry." He whispers. He puts the stuff away. I quickly wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"For what?" He asks.

"If you hadn't gotten there in the time, I could be six feet under." I say and slightly chuckle.

"I'm never letting anyone hurt you. I promise you." He says. I lay down. He was about to go to his bed but I grab his hand.

"Can you lay down with me?" I ask. He smiles and lays down next to me. I fall asleep.

A/N so what do you think? Yeah I know this chapter sucks ass but I had basketball today and I'm tired anyways...

Love Andy

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