Part 2. Chapter 3 Battle at Ilum

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Planet Ilum Surface
Millenium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon appears to break through the trees after Han Solo manages to raise the Millennium Falcon so that it does not crash into the mountain cliff.

"Aaaaaarrrrrgh." Chewie said

"I can't get any higher, they will see us!" said Han Solo while desperately trying to reduce the speed of the Millennium Falcon.

Suddenly, the Millennium Falcon came out of the trees and made a crash landing on a snowy plateau. The snow caused less friction, reducing the damage to the Millennium Falcon. Han Solo managed to stop the Millennium Falcon before the ship plunged off a cliff. Although the snow reduced the damage from the crash landing, there appears to be a lot of damage done to the Millennium Falcon from the hard landing.




Snowy Plateau

Han Solo, Chewie, and Finn moved quickly but cautiously toward the cluster of buildings at the edge of the plateau where the Millennium Falcon had landed. They successfully placed the Millennium Falcon, which had made a belly landing, back on its landing legs.

Their destination was quite far away, and they were still quite far from the buildings that were part of the First Order base. They moved silently, aiming to reach the buildings quickly so they could enter the Starkiller Base and sabotage it.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous roar.

"My god, what is that?" said Han Solo as he looked in the direction of the sound.


Somewhere in hyperspace, near Ilum
Raider II Clas Corvette 'Mayari'

Captain Laincome looked at the forward viewport, which showed the swirling of hyperspace. A viewscreen above the main viewport showed their remaining time in hyperspace down to the millisecond. There were only a few more seconds of time visible.

"Go to Battlestation. Raise the shield and prepare our weapons. Launch all available Automated Fighter Drones as soon as we exit hyperspace. Sensors, target planetary shield emitters, ground-to-space weapons, and TIE bases. As soon as those targets are located, fire at will. Inform all commands," Captain Laincome said.

"Yes, sir," said the XO.

Alarms began to sound throughout the 'Mayari', while the numbers on the viewscreen continued to dwindle closer to 0.




Snowy Plateau.

Han Solo, Chewie, and Finn looked up, looking to where the sound was coming from. There were a number of ships and TIE Fighters exiting hyperspace above them. But unlike the Millennium Falcon, which moved quickly after exiting hyperspace and caused them to almost crash into a cliff, the ships were immediately in a state of motionlessness.

But among the ships were TIE Fighters that immediately released something and moved in all directions. The ships released the same number of flying objects as the TIE Fighters.

"Why are those ships using the same hyperspace technique as us? Aren't they on the same side?" Han Solo inquired.

Suddenly, the ships seemed to be firing turbolasers in several directions.

"They are not from the First Order!" said Finn.

"Maybe they're from the Galactic Remnant. They are very hostile to the First Order," said Han Solo.

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