Part 1 Chapter 3

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Extracts from the diary of Admiral Kaskus Hipta (now Grand Moff Kaskus Hipta)

I and the rest of us from the Galactic Empire, let alone the New Republic, were very slow to catch on to the emergence of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Not many factions of the Galactic Empire recognised Grand Admiral Thrawn's authority. This is because, firstly, Admiral Thrawn's promotion to Grand Admiral Thrawn was done in secret, so there is not much evidence to confirm the promotion. Moreover, the late Emperor did not like non-humans; secondly, many faction leaders had already promoted themselves to grand admiral, grand moff, or many other very high fictional positions, so they felt no need to recognise a Grand Admiral.

I found it surprising that Governor Trevat, in his notes, mentioned the appearance of Grand Admiral Thrawn. This caused me to become very convinced of the prophecy from Governor Trevat's notes and words. At the last order of Governor Trevat, in accordance with the Emperor's orders, the ruler of Myto Sector was to be made a Moff. I therefore submitted the letter, and it was approved by the Empire Ruling Council before the fall of Corouscant.

The galaxy only learned of Grand Admiral Thrawn's appearance almost five years after Governor Trevat's disappearance. At that time, the New Republic was beaten down, and many systems were recaptured by Grand Admiral Thrawn. This caused the battle between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire to become almost centred between the Grand Admiral Thrawn/Admiral Palleon faction and the New Republic. Because of the Grand Admiral Thrawn factor, the battle between factions of the Galactic Empire also decreased drastically. Many of the factions eventually allied with Grand Admiral Thrawn's faction, although they only sent personnel, ships, and military material for Grand Admiral Thrawn to use in his war with the New Republic.

The opportunity was used for all factions to 'lick their wounds', just as the Alliance also used this opportunity to increase the military strength of the Alliance. One thing I learned from Governor Trevat is that he once said that there would be a grand admiral who could win almost any battle but was killed by his own men. This is exactly what happened to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Therefore, I am determined to make the best use of Grand Admiral Thrawn. But on the other hand, I also did not dare tell Grand Admiral Thrawn about Governor Trevat's prediction of his fate.

The first benefit of having Grand Admiral Thrawn is buying time—time that is used to strengthen the Alliance military and also time to build infrastructure. Time is also used to approach other sectors and factions to join the Alliance. Grand Admiral Thrawn also did not seem to mind the Alliance's actions to try to gather factions from the Galactic Empire, even going so far as to support it. The reason given by Grand Admiral Thrawn was that 'a united Galactic Empire leads to a stronger Galactic Empire."

During Thrawn's lifetime and campaign, four more sectors joined the Alliance. The two times Thrawn visited Myto and saw the development of Myto and the Alliance, Thrawn praised me and Governor Trevat for governing Myto and the Alliance well. He only requested that his ships could resupply the Alliance if needed. Of course, we were happy to provide such a service. We even promised to repair the ships used by Grand Admiral Thrawn in his activities if there was space in the spacedock. This pleased Grand Admiral Thrawn so much that he promised to provide security and military ships when he visited.

Thrawn kept his word and eventually sent two Victoy Star Destroyers and ten Carrack Cruisers to the Alliance. But that was all that was given to the Alliance, as Thrawn also needed more capital ships to fight the New Republic. But he also supported the Alliance for the first time by being able to order large numbers of capital ships from shipbuilding companies such as Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet System, which we utilised to order a large number of Imperial Class Star Destroyers, Raider II Corvettes, and Escort Frigates from KDY. We also ordered Interdictor Cruisers and Vindicator Class Cruisers from SFS. We bought those ships unarmed, and we planned to arm them with weapons we made ourselves, including the VLS Tube.

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