I'm Taken to My Personal Hell ~ Ch14

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"Who the hell is going to offer a ride to three bloody kids?!" Alex screams as Basil shouts and holds out her hands for the seventh time. Basil turns back and scrunches her nose, a scowl showing up, "Two bloody kids. And I'm trying." I scoff and kick the ground as I lean against a new building.
"You're next if we don't find shelter by midnight, I'd rather die of an internal piercing rather than get mugged by a homeless man," I mutter while staring at my nails.

Alex, who sits by the road, turns "Hey, be nice to those homeless guys. I know one and he's a really cool. Smells a little, but rich in personality." I turn my attention back to the road whilst he continues to complain. I still didn't trust this guy, I knew it right when I saw Basil trip over him. His brown eyes did have pain, but not from some horrible history. More of the crushing stomp his leg took.

But his eyes bore right through you.

I especially hated his smug expression, like he knew something you didn't, only all the time. And I hate not knowing things! Everything has a reason to be here and a reason it's alive. But, gods...I couldn't get my mind wrapped around that. What was the scientific explanation for gods? I take a glance at Basil, and focus on my shoes. She almost saw the smart side of me today. The one that I desperately try to hide.

She knew that I knew the answers, but if I were to slip up again. They'd expect more from me. They'd ask me questions that I wouldn't have the answer to.
Our meeting did not take off on a good note, that's for sure. This whole thing would have been easier if she wasn't a demigod. We could have gone our separate ways by now, but we're in too deep. Way too deep.

That nightmare was no coincidence. Sure, maybe we weren't visited by the one single god. But each held the same message, to find one another. It makes sense that Basils father is Apollo, she had the lightest aura of anyone I've ever met.

How nice, she gets a dad who practically lights up everyone's world. And I get a fat, old, drunk.

And I wanted to feel the resentment towards her, the small hatred I feel to those who cross me. But I couldn't, and that would explain why Alex's remarks towards her, wavered.

Geez, with this power she could have been babied her whole life...I'd have to ask her if she loved the spoiled life almost as much as I did. Basils shoutings slowly die out, Alex's playful bantering slowly ends, turning into muffled waves. My head swishes around as I close my eyes.

When my stomach stung me harshly, I felt as if I was falling and almost toppled over. I open my eyes and hurriedly clutch my side. It stung powerfully and traveled all the way to my chest. I swallow, grabbing the side of the building as I bend down onto my knees. "Hey, you a'right?" Alex asks.

I squeeze tighter and let out all my breath. "Ava? What's wrong?" Basil frantically runs over to my side and steadies me from crumpling to the ground. "Ava, you gotta tell me or I can't help you," Basil rests me near the building, so I'm lying down and wincing at each breath I take.

"It just...it just s-stings" I cry, trying to slow my breathing down. Talking was too much of a challenge in this state, hell each word I said hurt me more. Basil gently moves my hand away from my stomach against my protests. She stares directly at the wound and places the tips of her fingers near it. "Okay, you're not bleeding so bad, my theory was correct. Alex! Come here and hold up Ava's head, her breathing needs to come clearly!" Basil directs.

I scratch the surface of the ground in pain and anger, "I...I don't n-need...I can breath...f-fine!" I try speaking. Trust me, there's nothing I love more than getting attention. But I'm not helpless! Or at least, they don't need to know that. The ruff cement catches my finger nails as they prevent me from moving.

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