Mr. detective in LOVE!!

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Jake's eyes gleamed with mischief, his voice dripping with feigned innocence.
Jake: Yaah, maybe. My mom chose her, and I'm just following her wishes. We're getting to know each other, and... well, let's just say it's going great!
Elisa's face crumpled, some tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she fought to hold them back. Jake's expression remained neutral, but his eyes betrayed a hint of satisfaction. He was enjoying the show, and Elisa's reaction was the icing on the cake. Then he asked,
Jake: By the way, do you have any plans regarding marriage? I'm sure you'll get whoever you want in no time. I've heard Mr. Johnson and your brother adore you. They'll surely bring you the man of your dreams.
Elisa's chuckle was tinged with bitterness, her voice barely above a whisper.
Elisa: What if I don't want anyone? What if the one I want already belongs to someone else?
Jake's expression turned neutral, his eyes never leaving hers.
Jake: Well, that's your personal matter, I suppose.
Without waiting for a response, Jake opened the drawer and retrieved some ointment, his fingers gently applying it to her feet as he bent before her. Elisa winced in pain, and Jake's voice was laced with concern.
Jake: Is it hurting more? Let me apply this, then I'll get some ice.
As he continued to tend to her feet, Elisa found herself mesmerized by Jake's features - his sharp jawline, silky hair, and inviting lips. She felt like a pampered princess, her heart racing with unfamiliar emotions. Shaking off the thought, she averted her gaze, her cheeks flushing with a subtle blush.
After a while, Jake disappeared into the kitchen and returned with an ice pack, his eyes filled with concern as he gently applied it to her feet. Elisa's heart raced with every touch, a thousand butterflies fluttering in her chest. As Jake stood to leave, Elisa's voice stopped him.
Elisa: What's her name?
She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Jake's laughter was spontaneous, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Jake: Why are you so interested in that?
He asked, his voice teasing.
Elisa's face flushed, her words tumbling out in a hurry,
Elisa: Ab... no, me? Not at all! I'm just asking because we're partners... I mean, partners in mission, so...
Jake's smile grew wider, his eyes glinting with mischief,
Jake: We were, not now.
He said, his voice low and mysterious, before turning and leaving the room, leaving Elisa in a cloud of confusion and wonder.
After coming from her house he went towards his car and leaned back there while placing his hand on his chest to control his heartbeats. He closed his eyes and said to himself,

Jake: Ahhhhhhh!!! Why you're so cute? I couldn't able to control my emotions

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Jake: Ahhhhhhh!!! Why you're so cute? I couldn't able to control my emotions. God I'm in love.
He snapped upright, his mind racing.
Jake: What?! Am I really in love? Do I love her?
The questions swirled, but the answer was clear.
Jake: Yes, yes, I love her! Elisa Johnson; may soon become Elisa Toner!
A goofy grin spread across his face as he savored the thought.
Just then, the sky opened up, and raindrops began to pour down, drenching Jake in their cool embrace. But he didn't notice, lost in the memories of their time together - the hospital days, the banter, the shared moments. Each recollection strengthened his conviction: he was head over heels in love with Elisa. The rain soaked through his clothes, but Jake didn't care, his heart dancing with joy.

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