Miss Elisa are you Jealous??

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Time slipped away, a day, a week, a month, and Jake's silence was deafening. Yet, Elisa's heart remained tethered to the enigmatic detective. She discreetly gathered updates on his whereabouts through Martin, her curiosity piqued. A nurse was appointed to tend to her needs, a thoughtful gesture from Jake, though he remained absent.
In a surprising turn, Elisa found herself drawn to the flower shop, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jake's familiar face. Alas, he was nowhere to be seen, his absence a palpable ache. Instead, Martin would bring bouquets from the shop, and also gave some gifts to Elisa on the behalf of Jake. Elisa's heart swelled with gratitude as she accepted each gift, her soul nourished by the thought that Jake still cared, even from afar giving a gentle reminder that their bond remained unbroken, despite the distance between them.

One fateful day, Elisa's cycle ride to pluck flowers from a distant garden led her to a quaint Cafe

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One fateful day, Elisa's cycle ride to pluck flowers from a distant garden led her to a quaint Cafe. Her heart skipped a beat as she spotted Jake, sitting with a girl, their laughter and conversation flowing effortlessly. A pang of jealousy struck Elisa, and she swiftly pedaled away, her eyes fixed on the hill ahead.
But fate had other plans. As she rode, a vehicle suddenly struck her, sending her tumbling to the ground. The sound of screeching tires and shattering glass drew a crowd, including Jake, who rushed out of the Cafe, concern etched on his face.
As he approached, Elisa's gaze locked onto his, her eyes blazing with anger. Jake offered a helping hand, but she rebuffed him with a fierce glare.
Elisa: Leave me!
she spat. Undeterred, Jake gently but firmly lifted her into his arms, cradling her like a bride. Elisa squirmed and protested, her fury unrelenting.
Elisa: Put me down. I won't go anywhere with you!
She exclaimed, her voice rising. But Jake remained silent, his eyes locked onto hers, as he carried her to his car and secured her in the passenger seat. Jake ignored Elisa's protests and drove her home, the tension between them palpable. As they arrived, he emerged from the car and opened the passenger door, his eyes locking onto hers as he leaned in to release the seatbelt. Their gazes entwined, the air thickening with unspoken emotions. Jake's face drew closer, Elisa's eyes fluttering shut in anticipation, her heart racing. A soft chuckle escaped Jake's lips, his poker face betraying a hint of amusement at her endearing nervousness.
Elisa's eyes snapped open, her hand instinctively pushing against his chest. She attempted to walk, but her legs wobbled, and Jake swiftly scooped her up, cradling her in his arms once more. As they entered her home, he gently placed her on the sofa, turning to leave, but Elisa's hand grasped his sleeve, her voice laced with a hint of jealousy.
Elisa: Who was the girl at the Cafe?
She asked, her eyes searching his face for answers. Jake's expression remained neutral, his voice measured.
Jake: That's my personal life, Miss Elisa. I can't discuss it.
Elisa's gaze faltered, her grip on Jake's sleeve relaxing, as she averted her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper.
Elisa: Was she your wife?
Jake's response was swift, his tone neutral, yet hinting at a hidden smile.
Jake: I'm not married yet, but soon, perhaps.
Elisa's eyes widened, her mind racing, as she pieced together the puzzle.
Elisa: That means she's your soon-to-be...?

A pang of sorrow swept across Elisa's face, her eyes welling up with tears. She was taken aback by her own emotions - why was she feeling this way? The ache in her heart was palpable, yet she couldn't quite grasp the reason behind it.

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