Chapter 23

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Hyunjin sat on the edge of Jeongin's bed, his gaze fixed on the young man beside him. Jeongin, holding the bracelet caressing the stones craved in it, that Hyunjin had given him, looked up with eyes filled with gratitude and wonder. "Thank you so much for this, Hyunjin. It’s beautiful... more than I could have ever imagined." Jeongin thanked him softly.

Hyunjin smiled, a warmth spreading through his chest as he watched Jeongin's fingers trace the charms on the bracelet. Hyunjin loved jeongin delicate hands. They were as soft as petals and Hyunjin would often caress them while they talk. For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging between them. Hyunjin's thoughts drifted to the numerous times he had seen Jeongin standing by the window, gazing longingly at the world beyond.

"Jeongin... I've noticed how much you love looking outside from the window."

Jeongin looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes. He nodded slightly, a hint of melancholy in his expression. "Yes, I... I do. It reminds me of the freedom I used to have."

Hyunjin felt a pang of guilt. He realized that in his desire to keep Jeongin safe, he might have unintentionally made him feel trapped. Determined to change that, he took a deep breath and reached out to gently hold Jeongin's hand. Hyunjin was sincere as he looked at him. "Jeongin, you don't have to stay confined to this room. If you want, you can go to the palace gardens."

Jeongin's eyes widened, a mixture of hope and disbelief lighting up his face. He hesitated, searching Hyunjin's eyes for any sign of jest or uncertainty. "Really? I can go outside?" He asked hesitantly.

Hyunjin nodded, his grip on Jeongin's hand tightening reassuringly. "Yes, definitely. You can spend as much time as you want in the gardens. In fact, you can even help take care of the flowers there, if you'd like."

A radiant smile broke across Jeongin's face, his eyes sparkling with joy. He seemed almost unable to believe his ears, as if the promise of freedom was too good to be true. "Oh, thank you! I would love that. I've always wanted to be among the flowers, to feel the sun on my skin."

Hyunjin felt his heart swell with happiness at Jeongin's reaction. He could see how much this meant to him, and he was determined to do everything in his power to make Jeongin happy.

"I'm glad. You deserve to be happy, Jeongin. To feel free."

Jeongin's joy was palpable, his eyes still shimmering with disbelief and excitement. He glanced around the room as if already imagining the freedom he would soon experience. He turned back to Hyunjin, a question forming on his lips.

"Hyunjin, when can I go?" Jeongin asked, his voice brimming with eagerness.

Hyunjin chuckled softly at Jeongin's enthusiasm, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "Whenever you want," he replied gently.

Jeongin's smile widened even more, if that was possible. "Okay, then... I'll read the last few pages of the book I was reading, and then I'll go out," he decided, his tone full of anticipation.

Hyunjin nodded, his heart swelling with affection for the younger man. He reached out and gently caressed Jeongin's cheek, his touch lingering. "That sounds like a good plan," he said softly. "Enjoy your time in the garden, Jeongin."

Jeongin's eyes fluttered closed for a moment under Hyunjin's touch, savoring the warmth and reassurance it brought. When he opened them again, they were filled with a deep gratitude. "Thank you, Hyunjin. For everything."

Hyunjin gave him a soft smile, feeling a mixture of pride and protectiveness. "You're welcome, Jeongin," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

With one last affectionate pat on Jeongin's cheek, Hyunjin stood up and made his way to the door. He paused for a moment, looking back at Jeongin, who was already reaching for his book with an excited gleam in his eyes. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at the sight.

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