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"Is this the best you could make?..."

The woman's (e/c) eyes gazed disapprovingly at the simplistic, tight kimono stretching taut over Sukuna’s form as he attempted to adjust it.

Beside her, the monk bowed their head towards the (h/c) haired woman, their voice cool and measured.

"I apologize, Mistress... this is the pinnacle of my capabilities given the limited time and scarce resources available."

The woman clicked her tongue in irritation, sighing heavily before clapping her hands to capture Sukuna's attention as Uraume rose to stand.

"Well, no matter! It will suffice for our journey! It shan’t be a long one, so do not fret!~"

Sukuna arched an eyebrow at her, puzzled.


The woman’s eyes slid over to him, shimmering with a gleam of mischief as she smirked.

"Well, we can't stay in one place too long, now can we?~ It's only a matter of time before the sorcerers of Japan hear about BOTH of YOUR.. little... escapades~"

He grumbled, crossing both pairs of arms and furrowing his brows. His gaze shifted to the monk, who had reappeared with a medium-sized bag after briefly vanishing during their exchange.

"I have packed the necessary things, Mistress."

The woman nodded and proceeded to exit the house, Sukuna and Uraume trailing closely behind. She paused to glance back at the small house that had provided them shelter for quite some time, her smile sinister, sharp canines peeking out.

"Oh, this place was certainly entertaining! It was indeed the spark to our now eternal flame! So many memories... too bad I don't care for memories!~"

With a grin, she turned, and the building erupted into a ball of purple flames, igniting the grass and trees nearby.

Sukuna stared at the blazing house in slight shock, blinking before turning to follow her retreating figure, with Uraume close behind. Shaking his head, a smirk crept across his face.

What a woman.


The journey itself unfolded calmly, with sparse conversation as they trod along. Sukuna’s gaze roamed the environment while his lower eyes continually strayed to the back of the woman's head, observing her (h/c) hair fluttering in the gentle breeze.

His thoughts were quiet as he observed her from behind. Her steps not making a sound even if she was wearing geta sandals. Did she only make noise when she deemed it necessary? The black kimono with flowers that she was too innocent for her to wear. He wondered who had sown was such a intricate piece with many little details. Then her cursed energy. It was little to none. A light purple mist flowing from her figure gently and calmed him in a way. But why was is it so...low? Did she purposely hide her cursed energy? That would take a lot of effort wouldn't it? And energy too. Constantly hiding it and only putting out a small amount. Or was she truly weak?...but if she was weak how did she get such a reputation? She seemed human too...many curses didn't have human like appearances but she looked completely normal. How did she even become a curse? These questions lingered in his mind throughout their trek.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Sukuna and Y/N reached the gates of a secluded shrine deep within the forest. The crisp air was laden with the scent of pine and distant wildlife murmurs. Sukuna, quiet for much of the journey, eyed the imposing structure with a curious glint.

The gates silently swung open, revealing the mansion’s staff arrayed along the stone path, each maid bowing deeply in synchronized reverence.

"Quite the loyal congregation you've assembled," he commented dryly, amusement coloring his tone.

ETERNAL GAMBLE (Sukunaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now