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Since Sukuna had "fallen asleep," as Y/n termed it, he had been unresponsive for a fortnight, his body eerily still and unmoving. One might have mistaken him for a corpse, if not for the subtle rise and fall of his chest.

Each day during those two weeks, the (h/c) woman sat by his side, her hands resting on his head, channeling her cursed energy into his form with the goal of eradicating any lingering fragments of humanity etched into his psyche.

Her gaze was inscrutable as she watched him. After each 'session,' Sukuna would convulse, his body rebelling against her influence, covered in a glossy sheen of sweat, eyebrows knitted, and eyes darting frantically beneath closed lids before gradually calming down.

Initially, his thrashing was fierce and relentless, but with each subsequent session, his movements became weaker, bordering on desperate. Each time, a chillingly sadistic smile would curl her lips, her (e/c) eyes glazing over with a raw, primal hunger.

Uraume, always diligent, would clean up the aftermath, the figure they called Sukuna, whom Y/n left behind without a second thought. Armed with a bucket of water and a cloth, Uraume ensured Sukuna's body and the sheets were pristine, maintaining the perfect conditions for his disturbing transformation, as commanded.

Imagine the sheer delight that enveloped her when, one day, she discovered his complete submission to her will. An additional pair of arms had sprouted beneath his original ones, an extra set of eyes below the first, half his face morphing into something entirely new. The black markings that initially graced only his wrists had now invaded his face, and his body had expanded, accommodating the grotesque alterations, including a massive mouth on his abdomen.

Off to the side, Uraume watched as the woman tenderly stroked Sukuna's pink locks, her sharp nails scratching his scalp, her expression awash with bliss.

"Oh, Uraume!~ The universe has finally submitted to me!~ Look at my little lamb!~ How perfect he is now! I can't contain myself!~ I think I might burst with all this heat pooling inside me!~" she exclaimed, removing her hands from his head to cup her now-flushed cheeks, hearts practically in her eyes as she spoke, her breath visible like a small puff of smoke.

Uraume gave her a blank stare but internally questioned the mental stability of their mistress. Nevertheless, they remained silent; after all, this woman was their deity, destined to usher in a new era and conclude all others.

Once the woman had regained her composure, she stood, straightening her kimono, and flashed a grin at Uraume, tilting her head.

"Well then! I think it's about time to wake up my little lamb! Be a dear and prepare the necessary items for him, hm?~"

"Of course, mistress," Uraume responded with a nod and a bow.



The angry growl from his stomach made Sukuna furrow his brows while his eyes remained closed.

'So fucking hungry...'

It felt as if his stomach was beginning to devour itself from the inside out due to the intense hunger. Slowly, he opened his eyes, squinting at the sunlight, and cautiously sat up with a groan, acutely aware of every stiffness in his body.

The first thing he noticed was his unusually clear peripheral vision. His brows furrowed as his eyes darted around, not only seeing more physically but sensing more cursed energy as well. He watched the calm flow of lingering cursed energy in the air.

"What the fuck?..."

He shook his head before another growl from his stomach made him clutch at it in pain, only to feel two hands touching his skin, and—strangely—a slit?

He looked down, eyes widening at the sight of two additional arms on his body. He yelled, shuffling back and lifting all four arms in front of him, breathing heavily as he flipped his hands over several times to take in the full view. Then, remembering the sensation in his stomach, he looked down again, yelling once more upon seeing a mouth there.

A sudden laugh interrupted his shock, causing him to look up as a (h/c)-haired woman laughed heartily, tears forming at the corners of her (e/c) eyes.

"Oh my! What a reaction!~ Utterly hilarious!~" she exclaimed, slowly calming herself and wiping away a tear with a sharp nail.

"I see you haven’t fully acquainted yourself with your new form yet?~"

He growled at her and, despite the stiffness, stood up, his hand instinctively reaching to his neck which he stretched side to side, trying to alleviate the dull ache before realizing he had to crane his neck down to look at her.

"Did I also get taller?!"

Behind her kimono sleeve, the woman hid a knowing smile, her (e/c) eyes glinting with amusement.

"Well, your regular height couldn’t possibly support all these new additions, could it?~"

She hummed and gently took one of his hands, his lower pair of eyes glancing down at how small hers now appeared compared to his. Despite her fragile appearance, he knew she was anything but vulnerable.

She led him onto the porch, allowing him to take in the surrounding landscape—trees lining a path likely leading to a village, the sky a clear blue.

"With the gift I've granted you now... your past woes have become nothing but a fleeting memory~ the disrespect you've once faced is no longer, now people will kiss the very ground you walk on...only if you give them a reason to."

His brow raised at her words, and he absorbed his surroundings, the surge of power beginning to intoxicate him. With each passing moment, his resistance to his transformation diminished, overwhelmed by the allure of his new abilities and her tantalizing promises. His fingers curled into his palms, and a malevolent grin spread across his new face, his sharp teeth gleaming ominously.

The woman clapped her hands together, her delight unmistakable. "Now, my dear Sukuna!~ Let’s see what you're capable of, shall we?~ The world awaits your grand debut...king~"

With a resolute nod, Sukuna stepped forward, his formidable form casting a long shadow. The nearby village lay unsuspecting, a serene canvas soon to be marred by the storm of his arrival. The everyday sounds carried on the breeze only fueled his burgeoning appetite for chaos.


As he approached, the ground trembled with each of his steps. The first to notice him was a child playing near the village's edge, who stared in horror before screaming for his mother. Panic spread like wildfire, chaos erupting as villagers scrambled in a desperate attempt to flee.

Sukuna reveled in the ensuing terror, his four arms delivering swift, ruthless devastation. Buildings crumbled, screams filled the air, and soon the village was aflame, a grim testament to his overwhelming power.

Standing amid the ruins, his chest heaving with exhilarating satisfaction, Sukuna roared into the blackened sky, his declaration of rebirth and a dark promise of what was yet to come echoing far and wide.

All the while, the (h/c) woman watched from a distance, her expression twisted with satisfaction as she beheld the monster she had unleashed upon the world.

ETERNAL GAMBLE (Sukunaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now