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Silent grunts flowed through the air as Sukuna kept practicing his strikes and kicks, flames flicking out as he twisted his foot and kicked it straight before dropping and punching up, letting a large flame up into the direction his hand was.

He stood up from the ground, dusting off the sandy dirt from his sorcerer uniform and then wiping some sweat from his face, slightly huffing from the excruciating training session he put himself through, feeling his body grow weary.

As he moved to walk back into the main building to get some water, he stopped and moved to stand behind a pillar as he heard footsteps approaching along with familiar voices of his fellow sorcerer colleagues.

"Did you hear the latest attack from the MAJIN?"

"Yeah!... I heard from some guys that were there that the bodies were chewed up!" 

"What kind of curse is even capable of that?"

"I don't know...but definitely not a normal one..."

He stepped out from behind the pillar, growing bored with their conversation and walked before them making them still at the sight of him, jumbling over their words as they shuffled to the side in discomfort to make way for him and avoid contact. 


He grunted and nodded in a sign of acknowledgement while walking past them. Though as soon as he was a bit further away, his ears picked up their slightly hushed voices.

"How is that guy a sorcerer?..."

"I don't know... apparently the only reason the elders took him in to become a sorcerer was because they pitied his situation..."

"Oh yeah, I remember it being the talk of the village when I was a kid..."

"But even if it was an accident, he still killed them...those flames bring nothing but evil."

"Maybe he's the MAJIN!.."

Their hushed laughter following him like an angry spirit while Sukuna clenched his fist. Gritting his teeth as his eyes watered slightly, quickly blinking away the signs of weakness. The ugly swirl of emotions bubbling in his chest uncomfortably.

Everyone here looked at him with either disgust, or didn't look at him at all. It wasn't his fault. He was just a child. He didn't know anything. So why did people use that event to define him for the rest of his life? It was so unfair. They looked down on him.

And he hated it.


"So his name is Sukuna Ryomen hm?"

The white haired monk standing a little off to the side behind her nodded as they had recounted everything they could find out about the man.

"Yes indeed, mistress, his past is quite pitiable."

The woman hummed as she sat on her knees, fingers gently stroking the pristine petals of the white lotus flower before her, a breeze tousling her (h/c) hair along with it.

"Indeed it is...what a sorrowful story, it almost makes me wish I cared!~"

A black mist poured from the tips of her fingers, swirling around the white lotus, watching with a gleam in her (e/c) as it instantly withered.

Rising from the ground, she hummed, her black kimono adorned with intricate designs of cherry blossoms and peacocks, slipping off her shoulder as usual as she placed her hands into her opposing sleeves. 

She looked up to the sky, closing her eyes before grinning wickedly, opening her eyes that gleamed even in the light. 

"He's here."

ETERNAL GAMBLE (Sukunaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now