Wat A Dickface

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To say i was shock would be a lie. He has sold me before. I never lost my virginity but i did have to do things that was so unspeakable. "You fucking dickface." I looked at the grey eyed man. He leaned down to his ear, "You will sell your daughter maybe i should kill you." Damn daddy you can kill me and i'll still be turned on. Control your thoughts lady.

He laughed. He held the gun to his head but before he could shoot it I jumped in front with tears on my face. "Please don't im going willingly but don't hurt him." I signed. I can tell he was confused but slightly got what i was saying. He gave me this look that for some reason i hated. Maybe I'm stupid for not letting him kill my dad but it'll be on my conscious. I let a strange man kill right in front of me. In my home. The only family i have left.

When he lowered the gun i walked out the house. One by one they followed me out."My name is Amir and the one that look like he will kill everything in his path is Atlas."

Those names are kinda cute but they dont need to know that. I grabbed his phone out of his pocket and strangle he didn't jump to get it. I know it's rude to do that but i don't talk remember. "Mine is London." I showed him the phone and he smiled. "Thats adorable." He tapped on his brother shoulder, "Her name is London isn't she a cutie." Mr. Atlas only shrugged his shoulders and looked at the road.

Maybe he is gay. Fuck that'll just be my luck. "Don't worry loevly it's not you, he just hate you let your deadbeat father live." Why does he care so much though. "Anyways you'll be staying with us. Don't worry you wont be kept hostage. You don't have to stay with us technically though. If you want we can drop you off somewhere." But i have nowhere to go. I cant live with them either they clearly are dangerous people. Maybe they are psychos. Well maybe just Atlas. But amir could be the loud but deadly type.

They can protect you. Part of me knew that for some reason. Part of me feels like i know them. Maybe i do. I being typing on the phone again. "I have nowhere else to go. If you can promise not to hurt me and promise that your line of work wont get me killed, I'll like to stay with you two if i can." To say i was scared is the wrong word.

Fucking terrified hell yes. I showed them both the phone. They looked at each other and i could have sworn i seen Amir smirk. "Yes lovely you can stay with us.We can also promise to protect you if our line of work does put you in danger."

Great so i might die. Cool cool. I giggled and closed my eyes. Some reason i was hella tired. "She's so adorable i wanna kill the damn world." Part of me wanted to giggle but i stopped myself. "Firstly you fucking psycho Atlas. Secondly she is bro fuck we might as well confess our love right now."

I heard a loud smack. I jumped up to see Amir rubbing his head. I laughed but covered my mouth. Too soon you don't know them that well to be comfortable idiot. I saw a very very very small smile reach Atlas face before he looked back at the road. Amir started pouting. Thats kinda adorable.

I closed my eyes again and drifted to sleep.

hours later...

I finally woke up and was in a bed. I slowly got out of it and slowly tiptoed to the door. Peaking and looking out in the hall way. I creeped downstairs and before going on the last step i peaked around the corner.

I saw both of the boys talking to someone that looked like them. He looked beat up and sad or maybe mad. Actually no wait definitely sad. And i can understand why. Both Amir and Atlas are scolding him. Are they triplets because if so they can rock my world . For a virgin i gotta be one of the most freakiest.

He had different color eyes one Grey the other green. Thats so cute. He made eye contact with me and smiled. The other two looked back and i gave a small wave before going over to them.

I sat next to Amir and he handed me his phone. Me. "What's going on."
Amir."This is our best friend Axel."
Acel. "Nice to meet you London these two told me about you."
Me. "Are you guys triplets."
They all laughed well almost all Atlas gave a small chuckle.
Atlas: "We actually aren't related at all we met in the orphanage and liked how his eyes matched ours and became best of friends"

He suddenly stop talking. I wonder why? I looked over at Amir and Axel and saw they looked kinda terrified. My eyes searching any signs of answer. And for some reason my eyes wondered over to Axel and Amir fingers. Omg

Are they- No fucking way. It's always the fine ones. By the look on my face they can tell i figured it out. "Yeah we are husband and husband. Looking for a girlfriend though." Amir winked at me.

I giggled and started shaking my head. I've only read about these relationships never thought I'll witness one. Never thought about being a girlfriend either.

And I'm pretty sure he is joking...right. And what about Atlas does he have a girlfriend or boyfriend. "Atlas is scared to date us he says he will only bring misery. I agree." Axel said annoyed or maybe it was out to hurt him. Amir only looked at him with anger.

Clearly not liking the wording Atlas jumps up and leave. Maybe he does just don't know how to show and accept it.Or maybe he just doesn't want you to be in it. Hm maybe axel isn't gonna be a great friend for me after all. Which is understandable not like it's legal to have a three way relationship.

I got up and grabbed his hand. I can't date them but i can be their friend yes? No? "Are you okay?" He shook his head yes. "Im sure he didn't mean it like how he said it." Pfft yes the fuck he did. I got the gift to read people and i can definitely see Axel hate Atlas. But why?

He chuckled which made my heart do flips. "Yea he did babylove but im not tripping i only tolerate him and consider him "best friend" for Amir sake." With that he walks away.

I can tell he cares for Mir and without a second thought will kill for him. And if he got the opportunity... He will kill Axel without a second thought

Which is understandable Axel is a total... what's the work Atlas used earlier.

Oh yeah dickface

Axel wont get a picture because well i think most of you might be able to guess why

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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