25. Speechless.

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Jazakumullahu Khair for the 20k reads on Stand by Me.

Cheers! Clink! The four former co-workers clicked their juice cups and sipped in happily. Gab gazed at the three of them and suddenly felt nostalgic as he remembered when they worked together. When Safiyya worked alone, it was hard and daunting for them until after patience and trials two assistants were added. They did leave but within that short time, before Safiyya was promoted, they had a good working experience. Besides Safiyya who was in front helping his case, these two also helped her in checking the filing office and here they were in the office, celebrating the success. 

“I can't stop thanking you all.,” he told them wiping another lone tear as he reminisced. “I have worked with many workers in Hill Corp since its beginning but when this…happened to me, only few like you supported me,” 

“We appreciated the help and lessons we got from you Gab. Watching you fall without helping won't sit well with me,” the other woman said. 

The man nodded and added, “We couldn't help directly. Not like Miss Safiyya who risked going against the higher-ups in Hill Corp to help you,” 

“Safiyya is my angel,” Gab said looking at her and she smiled gently. 

“Gab is my mentor,” she muttered and they nodded. She got a phone call and excused herself. 

“Yes sir?” she spoke. 

“Report to the office now,” he told her and ended the call. Safiyya rubbed her nape wondering what he would say to her. Anyway, she was in a good mood. 

She returned to Gab and said her goodbyes before going upstairs. She reached the top floor and was heading to his office when she saw Irene walking down the corridor, expression cold and head up high. Safiyya decided to ignore her to avoid any trouble but Irene had a different thought after seeing her so-called enemy. 

“Come back here you filthy bitch!” she hissed, pulling Safiyya back harshly. Safiyya stared, baffled at the insulting words and the harsh grip. 

Irene smirked and let her go. “So surprised huh? Look at you, moving around smiling like an innocent person but only you know what is in that dark heart of yours.” she seethed. “Are you finally happy? I will be leaving Hill Corp for the time being and you can do all the illicit things you want but don't think that it's over,” 

She's leaving Hill Corp? Safiyya was surprised before it dawned upon her. She wasn't going to keep quiet and watch this woman today.

“I was suspicious but didn't want to accuse you without evidence. Turns out the cat has been let out of the bag,” she said with a faint smile which just further enraged Irene. 

“Oh wow, the saint is talking,” Irene scoffed. “I would be stupid to believe that you haven't labeled me black right from the beginning…” 

“You did something wrong but it's like you are blaming others,” Safiyya cut her short, matching her gaze fearlessly. “You already attacked me times without a number before but I ended up letting it go but then you dragged someone close to me too. What has Gab ever done to you to deserve such treatment? Hill Corp is part of you just as you are part of it, but you want to destroy it? What level of ungratefulness is that?” 

“Don't you dare try to lecture me girl because you know nothing,” Irene warned pointing at her eyes. Safiyya just eyed her finger and added, “What I see and you know is the truth. If it were someone else, he would have pursued you out of the company but it seems you are leaving just temporarily after this betrayal,” 

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