22. Her last resort.

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Cordelia stomped towards her husband's room barefooted but she didn't care with the situation in hand. She wished she could teleport there too. Cordelia was a classy woman but many still know she can be crazy. Between the Hill couple, Ramirez Hill was an alpha male while Cordelia was a red dragon. Flames seem to shoot out of her ears all the time. She stopped before the room and pressed her thumb on the access fingerprint lock. The access was granted and she excused herself into the luxurious suit. 

She was the one who initiated the fight and here she is, breaking the curfew. Anyways, she would do anything if it concerns her son. But despite that, she always sought her husband’s opinion first. 

Cordelia headed straight to the tea parlor where her husband was sitting in a massage chair. Ramirez Hill is a tall well well-built man, despite being close to sixty. The business tycoon was feared by many, especially with his dominating aura. He sat there in a black shirt that highlighted his biceps, his long black and white hair tied in a ponytail. His face was covered with a beard too and round glasses sat on his long nose, while he smoked from a pipe beside him.

Cordelia smirked at her nonchalant husband who was casually reading a journal and checked his out. Even in his old age, he still affected women. Not something she can't deal with. Many have suffered the consequences of showing even a slight admiration. 

“Hell is going loose and the sky is about to rupture but here you are enjoying a you-time like nothing concerns you!” she berated and held her hips.

Ramirez seemed unfazed by her attitude and replied in a hoarse voice without looking up, “I wonder why you choose to disturb my rest when you set a curfew. Hell is your middle name darling,” 

Cordelia scoffed and snatched the journal from his hand. Ramirez raised his head and his dark blue eyes fazed intuitively at her. 

“With all the journal and news flying around, don't tell you that you don't know what is happening in your son’s life,” she stated. 

Ramirez nodded with a sigh. “Your sources are quite slow aren't they?” he returned and drew in smoke before blowing it out slowly. 

Cordelia waved her hand angrily and scoffed. “I was busy okay and why do you seem so calm? Alfred is going crazy out there. If you hadn't decided to start his life, this wouldn't have happened?” 

“You are talking about the tech fair he had? I must admit, it was good,” Ramirez said. 

“Not that you old man, I'm referring to his bastard son that's making the paparazzi crazy out there,” Cordelia said exasperated. 

“Oh, that?” Ramirez smirked. 

“Yes that!” she affirmed. “I can't let this go on and have an unwanted bastard son of a terrorist be labeled as part of my family. You know, you let all these happen,” she breathed and pulled a short chair to sit on. 

“Right from the start, you would have allowed me to get rid of that stupid girl and a marriage wouldn't have happened but no, you just had a stupid conversation with your son and let him. Look at what happened next and now, he is showcasing her son to the world. Very soon, we will get questions coming at us, and believe I won't pretend in public to accept the bastard as my grandson!” 

Ramirez extracted the pipe from his mouth and rubbed his full beard. 

“Hill empire,” he uttered dreamily and Cordelia just raised an eyebrow. “For years, I've made sacrifices and scaled mountains to reach where I am and my great destination will be to have my empire. Last time I spoke to Alfred, I explained extensively to him about building an empire together and how he would be wealthy and successful so that the consequent generation won't have to struggle,” 

“Hah,” Cordelia chortled. “It didn't work, did it? Sometimes I wonder how we got a less ambitious son like him,” 

Ramirez just shook his head at her answer. “He didn't disagree completely. He challenged me,” 

“What?” she asked. 

“He said he would build an empire before me,” Ramirez told her. She was quiet before she burst into laughter. 

“That's not a funny joke you know,” she said trying to wipe her imaginary tears. “Without following our footsteps and its path to greatness, I doubt he will ever succeed,” 

“Technology rules this world now, in case you don't know,” Ramirez looked up at her and said. Cordelia curled her lips even though she knew it was true. Even the suit they were staying in now was full of technology. 

Ramirez continued nevertheless,

“I wanted to see how he would progress with his claim and he is doing it. I'm not getting involved but since I am his father, giving birth to him should be rewarded, don't you think?” 

“Why are so heartless?” Cordelia gasped. “Don't tell me you are going to exploit your one and only son,” 

Ramirez chuckled dryly at her fake antics and she just smiled. 

“You know, I love the fact that he cares for his son. Makes things easier,” he added. 

“I get you but still,” Cordelia emphasized. “I don't like that boy. In fact, I want to go there right now and let him abandon that child. I agree to use Alfred to succeed but his bastard son will just stain my reputation, so it's better to get rid of him,” 

“You won't go anywhere,” Ramirez said seriously. 

Cordelia narrowed her eyes and said,” Time is not waiting for you and the media only say what they see which I can't tolerate,” 

“Time will come for that. Next month, I am sure Alfred will be in California. We will see then,” Ramirez said. 

“Seriously?!” Cordelia gritted her teeth. It won't be easy for her to hold back that long. 

“Go pack your clothes here,” Ramirez added. She snorted and walked away angrily. Of course, she dare not return. 


Safiyya lay in the bed covering her face with her palm while she listened to Jessy laugh her heart out on the phone. 

“You are not supposed to be laughing Jessy. What type of friend are you?” she pouted. She was regretting telling Jessy what happened last night. What can she do? She dreamt about it!

“Sorry, sorry baby. It's not a big deal you know,” Jessy held back her laughter and said. 

“How is it not? I…I don't know how it happened,” Safiyya whined. 

“That's why you call a magnet of love. Chill okay!” Jessy replied. 

“You chill instead. How will I work in peace now?” Safiyya sighed. 

Jessy hummed and returned, “Don't make a big deal out of it. My girl just had her first, what do you call it again? Yes, the first halal hug with her husband. Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it,” 

“Shut up,” Safiyya whispered yelling as his cheeks blushed. Jessy was just making the butterflies in her stomach worse. 

“Keep pretending, “ Jessy scoffed. “Why are you still in bed and not preparing for work? Is it because your boss is your husband or are you waiting for breakfast in bed?” she teased. 

“That's in your imagination,” Safiya spat. “I won't go early because I have to branch somewhere,” 

“Oh, I see. So much privilege as the boss’s wife,” Jessly laughed. 

“Shut up, bye!” Safiyya harrumphed and hung up. Today was the deadline in Gab’s case and going to Hill Corp won't solve her problem so she chose her last resort and it will all depend on luck. She prays that Allah is by her side today, as always.

Salam everyone. It's been a long time 🥲 I missed my baby Safiyya too. Regular updates might start In Sha Allah, in June. Then, I would be on break but now, I have tests to deal with. But I will try my best to not make you wait long again.

So...😁 what do you think of the Hill couple?

What is Safiyya's last resort?

💞 Announcement: you can follow me now on Instagram. Asmau.saidu.1044. See ya there😊😚

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