Chapter 90 - Battle Royale

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The Honkai,

A malevolent force of nature that first appeared long ago. While their origins remain shrouded in mystery, one thing is clear: they seek the annihilation of humanity.

Countless lives have been tragically cut short by the Honkai, and many who couldn't bear the suffering chose to end their lives prematurely. It was a catastrophe of unimaginable scale.

Yet, even amid the devastation, humanity fought back.

Harnessing advanced methods and technologies, humanity has confronted these malevolent beings time and again.

In these battles, there have been victories and losses.

And humanity never gave up.

In an attempt to fight back, humanity established a force to combat the Honkai.

There are many approaches, but one of the most prominent is led by the organization known as Schicksal.

By gathering those who are gifted and those with the potential to excel, they created a formidable force...

A warrior class,

They are called Valkyries.

Most Valkyries are female, as they possess a higher natural resistance to Honkai energy. This immunity allows them to wield the power necessary to combat the Honkai without succumbing to its corrupting influence. Due to this biological advantage, there are scarcely any male warriors among their ranks; men typically lack the innate resilience required to endure exposure to Honkai energy.

Thus, the burden of humanity's survival falls largely on the shoulders of these brave women, the Valkyries, who stand as humanity's last line of defense against the malevolent threat of the Honkai.

One day, humanity will witness the rise of the strongest Valkyrie, who will lead them to victory.


"Alright!" Kiana exclaimed, standing tall among the second-year students lined up for their combat exam. She clenched her fists together with determination. "I've prepared way too much for this. It's gonna be easy!"

At St. Freya's training grounds, the second-year students were taken aback by the sudden announcement of their combat exam. Overwhelmed by the pressure, some students even broke down in tears.

Yet, among them, one student stood out the most. Kiana Kaslana's eyes burned with determination as she focused intently. She had trained for countless hours, honing her skills and mentally steeling herself for the challenge ahead.

Something like this wasn't going to take her down!

"If by 'preparing yourself' you mean 'eating junk food every day and watching video game tournaments,' then sure," Bronya remarked beside her in her usual nonchalant manner.

Kiana's expression turned blank, and she laughed nervously for a moment before turning to Bronya. "What was that, you brat!?"

Bronya remained calm as Kiana grabbed her by the collar and began shaking her violently. This was a typical scene, hardly enough to make anyone's jaw drop.

At this point, Kiana and Bronya were like cat and dog.

"Now, now, you two," Mei interjected, her steady and sweet demeanor instantly calming her teammates. "We're going to be working together, so let's not try to bite each other's throats, alright?"

"Mei-senpai!" Kiana exclaimed, jumping in to hug Mei tightly as Mei giggled. "Bronya started it!"

"Accusation detected," Bronya replied dryly.

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