Chapter 56

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On your demand I decided to add Yudhishthir's POV. So, everything will go side by side. I hope you all are okay with it now? I was tired because of the 7 hour journey and lots of packing that's why I didn't update.

No bad comments please.... ❤️


This house haunts me. Everything present here haunts me. She might have gone but her fragrance is still fresh in the air. I breath it every single second. I failed as a man, I failed as a husband. She wanted to tell me something. But I broke her that bad that she left this house. She left me.

"You are not my Yudhishthir." A sob escaped from mom's mouth and I looked up for the first time since all of them arrived. Ishani slowly sat beside me and asked ,"Let's forget everything that happened in past but for now tell me what happened Yudhishthir? Why did you cheat on her? You were not like this."

I am not like this. This label of cheater killed me more than required. I am not a cheater. Ruhi was the first woman I touched and if God allows then she would be the last one, no one except her. I am not a cheater. My Ruhi left me. I made her leave me.

It has been two hours and fifteen second since she said that last thank you to me. I need her back. None of them understood me, like she did. She was better than everyone. Even my own parents.

"She is gone." I whispered and didn't dare to look at Shyam uncle and Rupa maa. I failed as their son also. I don't have any right to even make an eye contact with them. I failed in every sense.

"You cannot do this. I will disown you." Dad shouted at me and everyone went silent except those little sobs of mom and Rupa maa. I didn't mind his words. What would be the use of money or buisness if I won't have my Ruhi with me. I earned for her. I earned so that  everything she liked she could buy for her happiness but alas I was the one who snatched away her happiness because money was not able to buy her safety.

"I want my Ruhi. Shyam ji." Tear escaped from my eye and I felt ashamed. I don't deserve to even live. "Don't take any decision for now Devendra. We have to find Ruhi first and then decide everything. I know what Yudhishthir did was wrong but you should not snatch away his hardwork from him." I felt guilty. I ruined his daughter and here was taking my side.
Shyam uncle stood up and patted my back as he walked past me while holding his wife's hand.


"Nick?" Nishant just nodded at Himanshi and picked me up in his arms. I was shocked to even think about something. Yudhishthir was searching for him for a long time and he was always in front of us. Hiding. But why?

"I need my answer Nishant." Nishant settled me inside and glared at Himanshi. He took a deep breath and shouted at her," Come back to your senses Himanshi. Ruhi needs us for now. Let's take her to my place. Mom is waiting for us."

Mom? Isn't Candace his mom?

"Candace?" I somehow managed to speak and he nodded. "Let's reach home and I will answer your each and every question." I closed my eyes and those memories came back to haunt me. I lost my husband and my baby lost its father. My heart was clenching in pain. I lost my Yudhishthir.

Himanshi wiped my tears and I caressed my tummy as Nishant drove towards his place. "My baby." I whispered and Himanshi kissed my belly. She hugged me and whispered,"Believe me everything will be fine. Believe me."

"But Yudhishthir....."

"Sab theek ho jayega Ruhi." She again whispered and I sobbed hard. I want ny Yudhishthir back.
"Himanshi, Yudhishthir slept with Kiara. I can't take it. I am feeling disgusted."

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