The Start

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I do not own KHR
In an office filled with many papers, a mop of brown hair could be seen behind the stacks of papers on the desk. It's been 5 years since Tsuna became the Tenth Vongola Boss after he graduated. The said brunette was signing some papers while mumbling something like "idiots" or "damn them".

Then, the brunette suddenly stopped before letting out a heavy sigh. "Why do they always destroy things? Especially those TWO," he sighed again before continuing his work only to stop again to pinch the bridge of his nose.

Tsuna's P.O.V
I stopped signing the papers and pinched the bridge of my nose when a sudden dizziness came. The room began to swirl as my head throbbed painfully. My eyes began to lose focus so I closed my eyes hoping it would lessen the pain. Sadly, it didn't. I groan in frustration before opening my eyes slowly. At least my focus is back again.

I looked at the papers I was signing. It would be nice if I could take a break. But if a certain ex-Arcobaleno *coughdemoncough* knew I was skipping work because of a mere headache, I'm sure I'll experience hell. Not that I'm not experiencing it right now.

While I was contemplating whether to take a rest or continue working, someone knocked the door. I quickly went into my boss mode. Something I got after meeting the mafia bosses. I said "Come in", preparing for the worse. But it turns out it was only Alonzo, the head butler.

I relaxed a little before asking him. "Yes Alonzo, is there something you need?". Alonzo bowed before speaking. "Pardon for my intrusion Decimo. Breakfast is ready," he said. I nodded and thanked him. After he left, I leaned back into the chair and chuckled softly. "God, I was too focused in finishing the paperworks that I didn't notice that it's morning already." I said softly.

When I stood up, the room suddenly swayed causing me to lose balance. I grabbed the side of the desk, trying to regain my balance. I grabbed my head as the painful throbbing came again. "Shit, this is worse than I thought." I stood there with my eyes closed and my right hand on my head. When the throbbings finally began to ease a little, I opened my eyes and straightened myself.

I went towards the door and walked out from the he-office. While I was walking along the hall towards the dining room, my head throbbed again. "Urgh, this is bad," I muttered. I walked slowly towards the dining room while clutching my head. When I arrived at the door of the dining room, I could hear loud noises coming from inside. I groaned, thinking about the noise and the mess that my guardians would make. I took a couple of breaths and smiled before entering.

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