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"How is she?" Wednesday asked thing as she picked up Enids nail polish from the floor

"Haven't seen her, neither the others " thing signed to her, Wednesday placed the nailpolish on the wolfs bed

"Not even Enid has seen her...?"

"Haven't asked, i'll keep low and let you know-"

"Who are we keeping tabs on?" Fester asked as he appeared out of no where, Wednesday frowned as she paced around the room 

"Her girlfriend is M.I.A" thing said, Fester's eyes widened snapping his head at Wednesday "Yowza?! Girlfriend? What about the boy from the Cafe place and the one from the other night at the library?? But you don't like people? "

"This one is the child of a Go-"

"Enough! I didn't consent on you giving detail of my personal life thing, Keep talking and you'll be down to four fingers" Wednesday said glaring at the hand that backed down quickly

"Oh c'mon my pig tail prodigy! I never thought the Addams curse would get to you, Who is this girlfriend? Who one over that dark little heart of yours?" Fester was shocked finding this out, a bit glad that Wednesday would be able to experience love, even he experienced it once with a woman named Debbie...we all know how that went

Wednesday sighed, sitting down on the desk chair as she faced the man

"Her name is Y/n...Y/n Moon Knight-"

"Moon knight? I know who she is" Fester said with a smile, Wednesday nodded from him to continue "Child of Artemis and Lyra, Saw her the other day with her white hair, very recognizable she looks like them" He frowned as she pointed his finger at her "You have another case on your hands tho, she was acting weird and the other gods too"

Wednesday felt worried hearing this, Enid had already mentioned them acting weird but Y/n had seem fine, it was like she was avoiding her like the plague, She's been to her dorm, classes, everywhere and she hasn't been able to see the girl, she thought she must be mad for leaving her there...but apparently there's more to it 

"I'm only doing this because i owe you " Wednesday said staring at Tyler, Guilt eating her up, but...anything for her investigation

"What? No one's ever taken you on a picnic inside a crypt before?" Tyler asked

Wednesday didn't say anything, she just stared at him fearing that this was a date for him

"Y/n...." "Y/n...."

Y/n was sitting down as her head tilted in disorientation

"Y/n..." A voice whispered in her mind "Snap out of it"

But she wasn't there, Everything was foggy

A girl in a white dress who approached her being face to face

"Oh Y/n..." She said caressing her cheek with a worried expression "She was warned about to this...she's too late"

But Y/n in her mind was screaming for help, she was lost, why was she in that place

Goody stared at the girls blank expression, it pained her

"Perhaps I can pull you out for a bit..." She said 

 Goody shut her eyes as she kissed Y/n, making her cough, Y/n quickly shaking her head looking around, Goody smiled softly

"You'll only have a bit of time...if she orders you something you'll be back in her hold" Good said whispering to Y/n who was breathing heavily, she looked around trying to find the source of the voice, but there was nobody there

Y/n's vision was still foggy, but she could make out where she was, she had to find Wednesday

Y/n sprinted out of her room quickly, going to Wednesday's dorm, as she made her way to it she knocked quickly hoping someone would answer, but not even Enid was there

"Oh Y/n what a surprise, Looking for Wednesday? " Ms.Thornhill asked, Y/n frowned seeing her but nodded feeling weird around her, Ms. Thornhill reached out for her shoulder squeezing it "Enid and Wednesday have been fighting so she's staying at Yoko's dorm meanwhile, and Wednesday is having a date i believe with Tyler" Y/n's shoulders fell hearing this

"On a date with Tyler...?"

It hit her like a ton of bricks, remembering the night they went to the Gates house, She backed away from Ms. Thornhill looking at her with wide eyes

"Now Y/n...listen to me..." She snapped her fingers twice, Y/n's mind quickly becoming foggy again

"You're going to go in that dorm, destroy it and get me that book, eliminate who's in your way" She said handing her a knife 

Fester and Wednesday brought thing back to life as Wednesday almost cried thinking thing was gone

"Who was it?!" She yelled at thing for answered

"It was from the back" Thing said "Cowards!" She said

"I'll kill whoever did this to you" She said, Fester kept quiet, he had seen the whole thing in the hallways, he knew, but he couldn't get in the way, this was way out of their hands... 

"Your parents will be here tomorrow Wednesday..." He said reminding her of the parent ball that was going to happen...she had yet to find Y/n...

She rolled her eyes, squeezing her fist, thing's were going to shit and she hated it.  

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