Mon cher

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Dr. Kinbott tells me I should get out more, Says i need to open my mind to new people and experiences. Who am I to argue with her professional cliches?

"While i do the autopsies you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies

Thing tapped the floor

"Don't pout, your scalpel skills are questionable " Wednesday said opening her autopsy kit, Y/n looked at her with wide eyes "Do you remember my 13th birthday when uncle Fester gave me that cadaver?" She asked thing "You sliced right through that man's carotid " Thing tapped as he went to do what he was order

Y/n still looking at all the knives and things "You got a cadaver for your 13th birthday?" She asked amused, Wednesday looked up at her a small smirk forming

"After knowing that, do you still want to be with me?"

Y/n smiled widely nodding "Of course, now i know what to give you as a gift someday"

Wednesday taken back, not expecting that answer "Mhm interesting, i thought that would scare you" Y/n shook her head taking a step closer with a huge smile as she looked around the morgue

"Actually, Let's consider this a date, i'll stand in the door keeping a look out for you mon cher"

Wednesday's eyes widen at the pet name, she wanted to throw up... she could feel her cold cheeks heat up a bit

She turned around quickly opening the freezer doors



Y/n looked at her quickly taking a selfie of them with a huge smile, the girl never said no to this being a date, so she was taking it as if it was their first date

"Magnificent hematoma" She said looking at the body, Turning quickly to Y/n making sure she was there since she was so quiet, a very small smile formed seeing her standing there on the lookout

"There you are" She pulled it out,Y/n quickly turned around, never did she think she'd be in a morgue, on a first date, seeing dead bodies, but here she was

"Isn't that the homeless man Wed's?" She frowned seeing him

Wednesday nodded taking her recorder out

"Thursday, 7: 23 p.m. The body is that of a 50 year old male, lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack, subject has been almost entirely disemboweled "

Y/n's head snapped quickly frowning as she heard a car

"This is curious, subjects left foot is missing"

Thing ran out of the copy room tapping at Y/n who still couldn't understand him fully

"Wednesday i think we have company" She whispered/ yelled quickly to her

But didn't hear her "Wednesdaaaay! Someones coming " She said "Calm down who's coming?" She said quickly closing the door putting the body back

Both of them quickly hiding

"Five more minutes, i was just getting comfortable"

"Enid!!" Y/n said smiling, Enid quickly turned around with a smile as she turned back to her friends wiggling her eyebrows " Y/n!" she said back with the same energy, she pulled her aside so no one could hear "So! Wednesday and I had a date" Enid's mouth dropped open "What?" she said amazed, "Wednesday Psychotic Sociopath Addams on date??? "

"Yeah! So.. do you think she'd like to go to the RaveN with me?" She said with sparkles in her eyes "Oh yeah! She'll probably deny wanting to go but deep down inside she'll want to go" Y/n smiled at this encouraging her to ask the goth girl "let me know what she says!!" Y/n nodded happily " I'll text you!"

"You're really asking the Goth girl?" Lysandra asked with a frown as she filled her nails, Ganesha looked at her with a sympathetic smile "Yeah, is that okay with you two? " Ganesha nodded "Of course, as long as you're happy " He slapped her shoulder softly, they both looked at the gorgon waiting for an answer as she huffed "Fine, i like to see you happy" Y/n jumped pulling her in for a hug, her best friends meant the world to her, being the only ones she had

Y/n was nervous, very nervous, her fingers cold as thin ice , Wednesday made her feel so nervous, so alive, so everything...she stared down at the black box wrapped up perfectly, with the help of Lysandra because she could never wrap something like this so beautifully

She looked up seeing Wednesday from afar quickly running to her as she placed the gift behind her back hiding it "Wednesday!!" She said happily, Wednesday stopped in her tracks " Y/n" she said simply " What do you have behind your back?" She asked frowning "OH!! This?" She pulled out a black box, she had to admit she liked the wrapping, until now she took in Y/n's appearance, covered in dirt, her uniform as well, her face

"Wednesday, I was wondering if you'd do me the honor of being my date at the RaveN?" Y/n asked softly, her chest filled with butterflies, it felt warm, she wanted to throw up

Wednesday couldn't look her in the eyes, her eyes focused in the box and nothing else, she couldn't look her in the eyes

"No" Xavier said behind her, Y/n glared at him "Stay out of this Thorpe" She said with an annoyed tone, Xavier wrapped her arm around Wednesday waist, Y/n's face fell seeing this a frown quickly taking over "W..Wednesday ? " Y/n said, clearing her throat, why didn't she pull away?

"I'm taking her to the RaveN" He said with a smile, Wednesdays chest felt tight, and not in a good way, Y/n's heart fell to the ground processing what was happening

"Now if you excuse me, i have to look for a suit" Xavier said leaving the both of them

"Is it true?" Y/n being the first one to break the silence, Wednesday nodded finally looking up at her, sadness written all over her face, she had killed the golden retriever, she thought it would be fun, but all she could feel was pain and not in a good way 

"This is for you...goodbye wednesday" Y/n said shoving the box in her hands quickly walking away , Wednesday stared at the box, she opened it slowly

A skeleton hand holding a black was a real hand too

She stared at it, feeling that stinging feeling in her chest.  

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