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Xavier glared at Wednesday "So you weren't going to ask me to the dance?" Wednesday stared at him with a neutral expression "No, i had no other choice" Xavier shook his head, his expression shocked " I can't believe you, you only used me " He stormed off leaving the pale girl there rolling her eyes "Men" was all she said

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" Tyler smiled widely, showing Wednesday his note "I got your note.. So i came as fast as i could" Wednesday turned glaring at thing, Y/n as well who was behind the door, She shut the door glaring at the hand "Dude i thought you were on my side?" Y/n whispered only to him, Wednesday's lip twitched a bit in a very small smile hearing this going to her closet "I don't have a dress" Thing pulled out the black dress we all know

 "How'd you get that?" Y/n asked "Of course five finger discount"

"You look...petrifying"

(make (someone) so that they are unable to move.)

Y/n said not being able to take her eyes off of Wednesday as she stood behind her looking at herself in the mirror "I actually feel jealous.." She said softly not being able to take her eyes off of the goth girl

"Jealousy? there's no need. You have my affection, and that's not something easily swayed by outside forces. Besides, you should know by now, I have a peculiar taste, and it's you who satisfies it."

Y/n's mouth hung open at this as she blushed furiously as Wednesday turned around, looking down at Y/n's hand, without hesitation she grabbed it intertwining their fingers

"So don't worry, what will you do?" Y/n smiled at their hands as she cleared her throat

"I promise Eugene that we would go look for clues about the monster" Wednesday nodded "Good, but that's dangerous, you two shouldn't go alone" Y/n giggled "We'll be fine mon cher , don't worry...if Tyler tries something im going to kill him" Wednesday's heart beated hearing this and the serious 

expression on Y/n's face, she did enjoy killings, She took a step closer, Y/n hesitated but she reached out and grabbed her waist

"Kill me wednesday " Y/n said looking in to her dark eyes, Wednesday's lip parted in shock hearing this, no one had ever said that to her, literally no one

A knock interrupting their moment, Y/n rolled her eyes

"Maybe some other time" She said softly, Y/n nodded squeezing her waist

"Good luck mi amor" Y/n said smiling

"Okay are we ready? " Y/n asked Eugene who nodded eagerly "Yes, we have flashlights, batteries and snacks" After he said that they both high fived each other

 "HUMMERS HUMMERS HUMMERS BZZZ BZZZ" They chanted, on their way out the ran into Wednesday and Tyler, Wednesday saw how they both looked

In her words

Ridiculous, they looked ridiculous, Eugene wearing a puffy jacket with a camping backpack, Y/n wearing a fishing vest with her backpack as well, they looked like Russell from up

"Galpin" Y/n said glaring at the boy "Y/n" He said glaring back, Wednesday still focused on the girl, she couldn't believe she fancied this person right in front of her

"Wednesday, you're not coming with us?" Eugene asked, Wednesday shook her head "I wish i was" Eugene noticed she kept looking at Y/n who was having a showdown with Tyler still You two shouldn't go alone" "Don't worry, i'll take care of her" He said with a proud smile "C'mon Y/n lets go!" he said happily, Y/n walked backwards still glaring at him, Tyler giving her a weird look "She's always like that?" Thinking that would get a positive reaction out of her but she didn't say anything 

"It's a foggy night" Y/n said in to the tape recorder that she actually took from Wednesday "Perfect night to monster hunt" Eugene added, the both of them nodded as if it was the most smartest thing ever said

"Look a cave" They both looked at each other "Let's go in it"

Bianca glared at Wednesday who was dancing, standing up and leaving to the couch that was outside feeling all too much, so many emotions

"Who ever invented heels invented a torture device " Wednesday said sitting down next to Bianca, who stared at her

"I thought you'd be coming with Y/n" She said to the girl "But Tyler? That kid is weird"

"Why would I come with Y/n? " She ignored she mentioned Tyler at all, curious at what she had to say "Oh please everyone can see she's head over heels for you" Lysandra popped out of nowhere sitting with them

"Medusan" Bianca glared at her

"Barclay " She said back with the same energy

"Anyways this time i agree with her, that girl is head over heels for you Addams" Bianca said nodding, Lysandra nodded as well "I've never seen her like that, i wouldn't be surprised if you did witchcraft on her, you do give off those vibes" The gorgon expressed, making Wednesday glare at her "Besides. What are you doing here with Galpin? First Thorpe and now him? Why didn't you come with Y/n"

Bianca, interested in her answer "I was his second choice..." She said "I'd like to know what happened too"

Wednesday, now feeling bad for the siren decide to be nice

"I never planned to ask him, i hope that lets you sleep at night and that is my business i suppose Y/n will tell you" She said more to Lysandra the last part going back .

Just as the chaos was happening Tyler crashed into Wednesday sending her into a vision seeing Y/n and Eugene screaming

Her breath quickened as her heart raced bumping into Ms Thornhill

"Eugene and Y/n need help!!" She said pushing her out of her way, quickly running to the place in her vision, it felt like forever, like she wasn't running

"Y/n?!?" She shouted "Eugene?!?"

But she didn't hear anything

She looked up at the moon frowning as it was turning red

"EUGENE!!" She heard Y/n scream, Wednesday quickly running to where the scream was heard, seeing Y/n hugging Eugene as she applied pressure on him, Wednesday looked up at the moon, seeing it fully red, connecting everything...Y/n was making the moon red

She got closer seeing one of her eyes was bright red white the other one was dark...Wednesday noticed Y/n had been scratched as well....

"Is he dead?" Ms. Thornhill asked "I'll go get help!" she said 

Am i making you feel sick?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora