Moon Light

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"Wednesday, you haven't answered to your letter pal" Ms Thornhill said with a smile "Now i remind you this is part of your grade, so please i expect seeing a letter on my desk later so i can give it to your pal" Wednesday stared at the woman with no expression "I forgot about that nonsense, i have better things to do, i'll see" That was enough for Ms. Thornhill as she nodded feeling as if she won

Wednesday made her way to the quad, her eyes quickly landing at where Y/n should be, with her friends but she wasn't there, she raised an eyebrow at this making her way to the pair

"Where's Y/n?" She asked the gorgon and demi god, who choked on his water seeing the Goth chick and speaking to her for the first time

"Well hello to you too" Lysandra rolled her eyes as she pulled down her shades staring at her "Manners please" Ganesha nudged her with his shoulder "Where's Y/n?" Wednesday repeated herself glaring at the girl "I said...manners please" Lysandra said standing up, being the daughter of Medusa, jealousy slowly taking over her, Lysandra saw Y/n as a friend, who she loved and cared for very much, but her Jealousy being passed down from her mother
"And i said where is Y/n?" Wednesday glared even more if she could as the both of them stood face to face ready to fight each other

"Okay! Okay let's all calm down, Lysandra we both know Y/n would not like calm down" Her snakes rattle underneath her scarf as she sat down, she was nodding "You're right Ganesh..." She said taking a deep breath

"Hi, I'm Ganesha, One of Y/n's best friends!" He introduced him self to Wednesday who nodded "Wednesday Addams"

"Y/n is sick today, she's been in her dorm all day, you can go check on her if you want i'm sure she'll appreciate your visit" He wiggled his eyes brows at her, Lysandra shook her head slapping her face "Your so stupid"

"Thank you"

Wednesday stood outside of Y/n's dorm, knocking once, thing on her shoulder

"If she's sick there's no point in knocking" He said, The girl stared at thing nodding slowly, thing was right

She opened the door slowly peeking in, the room seeing a faint white light, Wednesday's eyes widen

Born of the union between a mortal and the moon god, Y/n laying there peacefully sleeping, a radiant faint glow that mirrors ethereal luminescence of the moon itself, the skin, imbued with traces of lunar magic, shimmers with a soft silver sheen, emitting a gentle light that illuminated the dark room

"Interesting" she murmured, her voice low and measured "Another oddity..." 

"It's not an oddity..." She frowned at seeing this, remembering that Y/n's mother as the Moon Goddess

Thing could see, the way she was looking at Y/n, Wednesday taking in how her chest would rise up and down slowly, her skin pale almost as the moon, she liked that, so...horrifying to her... but let's remember, she likes...loves...enjoys...horrifying things

"I feel like touching her" thing said, making his way to Y/n "Thing, No" Wednesday whisper/ shouted making her way slowly to him

"I said no" She said once again a bit louder, the room suddenly going dark, Y/n's body being turned off

"Wednesday?" She said groggily as she turned on the lamp that was next to her bed

"Y/n " She said glaring at thing, looking around the room and her noticing that Y/n wasn't glowing anymore

"What are you doing here?" She asked trying to keep her eyes open "I wondered where you were, i noticed you weren't present most of the day" She answered simply, a smile formed on Y/n's face hearing this

"Wasn't feeling my best..i think i got a cold from outcast day, when we were in the rain" She said frowning "Surprised your not sick as well"

"My body temperature is usually low, making me cold, almost dead, rain shouldn't be an issue " Wednesday sat at the edge of Y/n's bed who nodded

"Makes are you ready?" Y/n stretched herself with a yawn

"For what?"

"Parents day is coming up" 

i'm baaack with a small update 

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