The Mamushka

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Y/n cried as she whipped her tears taking deep breaths, she knew the girl didn't mean it, that she forgot she was and orphan basically, but it still hurt, her dad died, her mom was on the fucking moon? Jesus she didn't even know for sure if she was on the moon? IS SHE THE MOON? No way to know, she's never spoken to her mom no matter how hard she tried, she just never could make contact

So she was always alone, and in foster care, she didn't know she was a demigod until she was fourteen, currently sixteen

She kept walking until she made it to the road, a car stopping by her

"A ride dear?" Y/n looked up frowning, her eyes widen a bit seeing Wednesday's mom, Morticia taking in the state of the white haired girl, bloodshot red eyes, red nose, rosy cheeks, this child was crying, her motherly instinct kicked in, and she recognized that this girl was staring at her daughter earlier

"We don't bite" She said Y/n smiled a bit at this nodding opening the door sitting next to the boy "What's your name?" He asked "Y/n, nice to meet you all" She said smiling at them "I'm Pugsley" He said Y/n nodded turning to the woman and man "Morticia and Gomez Addams"

"Your Wednesday's family " Y/n said smiling "It's really nice to meet you" Morticia and Gomez gave each other a look, Y/n couldn't read it or notice it, she was too excited to be meeting the parents who she was head over heels and even Pugsley could see this

"Why is your hair white?" Pugsley asked taking her in, Y/n turned to face him "I think it was a gift from my mom, i'm not sure" She answered giving him a warm smile

"Say...what are you?" Gomez asked, tilting his head at her "Uh...what do you mean?"

"Vampire, witch? What are you?" Y/n made an 'O' shaped face, she really never got that question often

" Ohhh I'm a demigod and witch"

"No way! I've never met a demigod!!" Puglsey poked her as if she wasn't real

"A demigod, who's your parent?" Morticia now intrigued sitting up more straight

"Artemis, God of the moon"

"OHHHH you hear that Tish? God of the moon, she blesses out love every single night" Gomez said kissing Morticia's hand all the way up to her shoulder, Y/n frowned turning at Pugsley who shrugged

"They do this all the time" he whispered to her

"So how do you know our little storm cloud?"

Wednesday arrived at the dining area, since Nevermore hosted a fancy dinner every year as well so everyone could socialize

"Enid, have you seen Y/n? " Wednesday asked "I haven't seen her all day" She added a bit lower, feeling guilty, she huffed at this, can you believe it, Wednesday Addams feeling guilty? God she hated Y/n at this point, if you know what i mean

"I haven't, my mom is driving me crazy, guess how many seconds until her judgy claws came out? Three!!! Three seconds!! That's a personal record, anyways why are you looking for her ?"

"I might've said something-"

" that Y/n with...your dad?" Enid said gasping, Wednesday frowned turning around to see what Enid was seeing, her eyes widen right away

"Oh no" She said in horror

Y/n and Gomez stand face to face, an aura of anticipation hanging in the air.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Gomez extends a hand to Y/n, a playful smirk gracing his lips.

"Think you can keep up ?" he asked extending his hand to her with a mischievous smile , Y/n hesitated but accepted his invitation with a nod determined to prove herself

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