chapter 2: The unexpected coincidence

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( Two years later)

Rain completed his high-school and his first year in university. According to his smartness he got into the top university in the whole thailand. As an engineering student,the first year was not that hard for him.

Tomorrow the second year is gonna start. His father is not at home. As he is alone , he was playing in the computer and guess what , he overslept.

*beep beep* (rain's phone vibrating)
Rain picks it up.

Rain: hello!ping (in a sleepy voice)
Ping:shit Rain! Are you still sleeping? Look at the are gonna be late.
Rain:shit! 9(I'm so done)
Ping: yeah,it's the first day and you're late.


Ping: what! he just end it.

Rain did everything fast and he hurried to the university.
He had removed his specs after a surgery.(I admit,he was cute with his specs but hot without it)

On the other side,after graduation, Ashi worked as an assistant professor under the top professor of the top university in the states for 2 years. And his head professor asked him," Mr. Thanakorn, why do you wanted to leave?
Ashi: no sir! I have always wanted this head professor position but in my mother country.
Head prof:ok , but remember, if you want any help don't hesitate to contact me. Oh right! Have you got the approval of the authorities.
Ashi: yes sir. I will join shortly.

(Present day)

Ashi is now with the ex professor.

Prof: so you are Mr Thanakorn, the new maths head professor.
Ashi: yes sir,it's  a pleasure to meet you.
Prof: I've heard a lot about you. The top student of the whole US and the assistant professor of the top professor there. Welcome to Thailand.

He smiled and ashi giggled.

Prof: you have a class now. Mrs.priya will lead you to your class. Before that take him to his room. He may need to organize his stuff.
Mrs.priya replied yes sir

Mrs.priya showed him the way am said sorry Mr.Thanakorn I've got a class now. After you keep your stuff just gimme a call.
Ok Mrs.priya he said. She then gave all the books to him and hurried back.

Poor ashi had to carry all the giant books alone to his room. And alas! A boy bumped into him and all the books were on the floor. It was Rain. Rain pick two or three books pushed it towards ashi and left in a hurry. Ashi was surprised hey ! He called. On running Rain raised his hand,sorry!

Ashi looked down and nodded sidewise with a smirk ( what a student!).

(In the class)

Rain ran toward ping: shit I'm not late.(He was panting)
Ping: Ai Rain, you are damn escaped because our first class had been changed due to a new professor.
Kit: who is the new professor,a lady?
Lita: No,I heard it's a handsome young man. He is the top student of US. I'm looking forward to meet him.
Rain: stop imagining.  He may be an old man of 50s.
(Them laughing at lita)
Ping: and Rain is the handsome man in our university.
Lita: let's see
Ping and Lita starring at each other's eyes as if they emit thunder.
Suddenly,  the ex professor entered the lecture room.

Dear students, today I'm going to introduce you the new maths head professor. Mr. Thanakorn, please.

To be continued............

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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