• Matt & Edd • Hold me, I'm scared •

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Random fluffy scenario i wrote in just an hour

Random fluffy scenario i wrote in just an hour

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Characters: Matt, Edd

Gender: M/NB/M

WARNING: No warnings

Word count: 1.7k

You know that nice feeling when you cuddle up to someone on the bed, or when you feel their arms curl around your frame? It's great. You remember, as a child, the feeling of being secure in your parents' arms or when a guardian is taking care of you while they were out on trips, business, or otherwise. They'd let you sleep in their room, too, staying up late to play charades, or to read your favourite book Where the Wild Things Are.

And not just fairy stories either -  you recall the nights you'd beg them to continue reading stories like Goosebumps and even retellings of Shakespeare plays on occasions. Little you just had a knack for tragic stories. Even if you may not have understood it completely, you enjoyed it a lot. Or, maybe you just liked having a reason to have company stay around you longer.

It's not unusual for you to request these kinds of things; for as long as you could remember your language of love has always been represented through physical touches and the enjoyment of another's presence by your side, even when you're spending that time wordlessly. For others, perhaps your careless affection arises issues from others who aren't so acquainted with this language of yours. You know your friends tend to bark at you to stay away when you feel a case of the zoomies, as they call it. Regardless, they love you all the same for it.

Oh, but yes, you just love a gentle embrace. Just the way you melt into a touch has you feeling a sense of euphoria. And the warmth that radiates from the person behind you during cold nights as you relish and soak in their scent is second to none.

But, well, you tend not to enjoy it so much when you know you're supposed to be alone that night.

You freeze in place with your arms curled and unknowing what to do as they twitch in place. The mystery person's breath hits the back of your neck, and you shiver. Testing the waters, you slowly creep away, trying to pry yourself from their arms. You anchor your foot at the end of the bed to steady yourself when you press down on something - or another someone - hard.


You leap into the air with a shrill scream, completely caught off guard. This results in the intruders screaming back in response and the impending panic as everyone scrambles off of the bed frantically - the distinct sound of a thud begin heard, also - and with you dashing to the opposing side to pull out your nearest weapon; which just happens to be your digital pen stylus.

You swing it out towards the two in a fearless display, your voice totally not shaking in the process.

"Who goes there?!"

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