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Kalvin stared at the screen, biting his nails after confessing everything. He was looking like a sinner sent to god's judgment. But to his surprise, Maxwell and Bell remained quiet. They did not immediately lash out or blame him for what had happened. Instead, they just stared at the screen, letting out a deep sigh. They exchanged glances with each other before looking back at the screen.

Kalvin couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had expected a harsh response from his colleagues, but their silence was somehow even more unsettling. He wondered what they were thinking, and if they were disappointed in him. As he watched them carefully, Kalvin noticed that they both seemed lost in thought. They weren't angry or upset, but rather they appeared to be processing the information he had just shared with them. Eventually, Bell opened his mouth raising an eyebrow.

"This is serious Kal, I won't blame you for anything but taking out the gun, that's something" Bell said disappointed and Kalvin gave out a breath closing his eyes. He was ready for that response. He knew Bell's standards about using firearms. He tried to explain in a voice full of guilt.

"But Bell he crashed to me willingly to hurt me, that was a habit of Jackson's gang you know, the paper with the name of mine slipped out of the book when I fell"

Kalvin tried to explain as he opened his eyes, with a raspy voice but Bell interrupted.

"Your intention was killing when you took out the gun" Bell said firmly his eyes fixed on Kalvin's.

"But he saw the name and he realized that I'm a son of Turner" Kalvin tried to explain but Bell interrupted again.

"I see, but if you never took the gun out you would've never accidentally pointed it at him and he would've never try to seize your gun, then the gun would've never fired accidentally and you would've never become a murderer" Bell explained as calm as possible but clues of disappointment was shown on his face. Literally, his brain was on fire right now. Kalvin looked at Bell with a painful look as Bell said the last word. Bell noticed it.

"Yes, Kal. That's it. You became what I never wanted you to be" Bell told giving out a breath avoiding Kalvin's face Kalvin looked at the controlling board feeling guilty and shamed rather than hurt.

"I know. I'm sorry," he whispered still looking down. Bell looked at the screen to see Kalvin's teary eyes but instead saw his pale face with lifeless eyes. Maxwell looked at Bell in shock and decided that keeping quiet was the best option. He knew that speaking up would only hurt both Kalvin and himself. After a few seconds of silence, Kalvin started to speak staring back at Bell, not giving him a chance to speak.

"You must cancel my adaptation. That's what I deserve," Kalvin said, his voice full of despair. Bell was quick to respond,

"No, that's not what I meant," he exclaimed. His heart sank as he realized how much Kalvin had misunderstood him. Bell knew that Kalvin was feeling guilty for what he had done, but cancelling his adaptation was not the solution. Bell wanted to help Kalvin, but he also knew that he needed to be careful with his words. But Kalvin continued.

"I understand you being a chancellor doesn't mean you can pardon anyone you need . I'll take any punishment but please, Melvin has nothing to do with this. Being born in the wrong place is not a crime" Kalvin said with a cracking voice. He had to try hard to put out the words which were sticking in his throat continuously. Bell looked at Kalvin with an open mouth. 'Oh, what is this kid thinking?' Bell tried to explain as calmly as possible

"Kalvin, you don't deserve to be punished for your past mistakes. You deserve to learn from them and move on. Cancelling your adaptation won't make things better. Instead, it will only make you feel worse. Let me help you. Together, we can find a way to fix this, I can free Melvin from charges, It's alright but you" Bell said, his voice full of compassion. Kalvin looked at Bell, his eyes full of confusion. But slowly, his expression softened, and he nodded in agreement.

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