birthday gift

730 19 11

Annyeong!!! Annyeong!!!

Few more chapters..... I think😅


it feels like I was in a dream.. but waking up into another beautiful dream.. my soul has been pulled from slumber, hearing chirps and the ocean waves.. a smile plastered on my face remembering all that happened two days ago.. yup its been 2 days since we got here..

-Lisa and I explore this villa and leave our foot print whenever we feel like it.. "if you know what I mean".. I giggled just by thinking how we manage to do such stuff around this very island..

-there are people around some villagers, they even sell us fruits and fresh fish yesterday... its just sad that we have to go back to the real world on Monday since we still going to prepare for the grand ball and our graduation.., father talk to me and he planned to announce Lisa and I's marriage on that event..


few minutes after my day dreaming, I decided to fix myself and see if what my monkey is doing.. I didn't felt her beside me when I woke up.. usually she shower me with kisses telling me that she was done preparing our breakfast..

-after being satisfied looking at myself at the mirror I went down bare footed/..

JENNIE: why is it so quiet??

-roaming my eyes while stepping down the stairs , I feel weird.. and escalates a little later as I continue to look for her.. she's not at the kitchen.. living room.. "baby where are you?..." I went back at our room and get up my phone.

JENNIE: lisa pick up.. pick up.. please..

-I lost my smile and my breathing started to bother me.. I keep on dialing her number walking back and fort.. until I noticed something on the fridge door, I hastily grab it, reading what's written on it..

" I hope you enjoyed her enough.. because I'm getting her back now"-


-I said under my breath crumpling the paper on my hand.. while slowly making my way towards the main door.. a lot of things running into my head.. " who did this..? and why is this happening??. , still on bare footed I felt the sand, not minding some little stones hurting my foot, I tilt my head from left to right..







-- an hour have passed.. I lean my head on this very door holding my phone, I called the crew who went here with us, and they mentioned there was another boat came earlier and left right away but they haven't seen if Lisa was with them..
-I'm really losing my head.. " I thought this is already my happy ending... sobbing in the thought of what might have already happened to Lisa.. where did they bring her..? and how can I find her..



-I tilt my head up, seeing a familiar face.. after it became clear, my tears flow harder..

JENNIE: I-IRINE!! (sob) help me~~

-she help me stand up and she hug me tight..

IRINE: what happened??.. why are you crying??

JENNIE: (sniff) li-Lisa.. someone took her.. help me find her..

IRINE: huh??

JENNIE: we need to go.. lets look for her (sob)

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