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Annyeong!! Annyeong!! 💙🤍💙🤍💙

Just got super duper busy😭

our relationship faced too much turbulence that almost break us, and I think what people said was true... the tougher it gets.. the stronger it will make you..



--things might not as smooth as we planned but were able to reach this point where we are about to seal everything between us.. I know people around us may think that this is a very impulsive decision but like Jennie said.. there are too many people that's trying to break us and we can't avoid to give them a chance anymore..


-after we landed at the heliport.. jennie and I directed to one of a luxurious hotel.. we acted like we haven't seen each other for a long time its been more that an hour that we got here and were just lying on the bed cuddling and kissing..

--she nibble my neck as she giggles..

LISA: baby~~~... aren't you hungry??

JENNIE: I am..

LISA: then lets go get something to eat..

JENNIE: I'm eating now~~ hmmmm.. your yummy.. (smile)

LISA: YAH! lets eat, I'm really hungry now..

JENNIE: okay.. but can we have a quickie??

-she smile wiggling her brows..

LISA: quickie??? okay.. but your not getting any on our honeymoon..(smirked)

-she suddenly stands up wearing her coat then took mine from the rack signaling me to wear it..

JENNIE: lets go .. where do you want to eat baby?

-she grin as she was saying that.. I just shake my head smiling at her actions..


-were walking towards this very restaurant, I was holding her hands when a waitress approached us..

WAITRESS: table for two?

LISA: yes please.. (smile)

-while she's guiding us to our seat.. I was pulling the chair for her.. jennie suddenly grab my face and kiss me maybe a good 10 seconds then wipe my lips.. I was confused until she tilt her head at the left side seeing a group of people eying on us,, I clearly saw how she roll her eyes to them before she sat..

LISA: hey... relax I only got my eyes on you..

JENNIE: as you should..

-her radar is really active whenever where outside.. but good thing we finish our meal that my kitten didn't jump on to anyone..

-after going back to our hotel I received a message from somi that they just landed, asking for our location..
-as soon as i open the door when we got to our room jennie pushed me pinning at it.. I think she's a bit tipsy.. well she chug almost the whole bottle of wine earlier..

-she put her arms to my shoulder as she poke her nose on my pulse..

LISA: is my kitten drunk??\

JENNIE: hmmmm~~ nope- I really love your smell

LISA: how do I smell?

JENNIE: you smell edible...

-stating that while she trace mouth up to my jaw, and her hands starts to travel inside my shirt.. I thought I will able to control this until after our wedding tomorrow.. but hot breath and warm touches triggers me so drastically.. i caught her face to make her look at me..

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