Chapter XX

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Usopp and Luffy stuffed their faces eagerly with the appetizers Sham, the maid, was holding on a platter. "Mmh. These are so good", Luffy told Usopp, his mouth half full. "I know right", the latter replied. "Reminds me of that one time I slayed a dragon."

Sham made her way to Nami, who had finally chosen what to wear, and a man with curly white hair and the horns of a lamb while Usopp kept telling about his adventures.

"You ever had dragon?", Usopp asked. "Nope," Luffy answered before turning to Sham who had just returned. "Do you have dragon?" Usopp quickly took another appetizer as Sham replied, annoyed "Afraid we're fresh out." The maid turned and left. "Oh well"

Zoro was eying cocktails before taking one when the young pirate called out. "Hey, Zoro! You gotta try this!" Luffy recommended before taking another bite. "I've got all I need right here", Zoro declined plainly, taking a sip of his beverage.

(Y/n) was sitting on a couch in a corner. She observed the tall hall they were in. The ceiling was high, at least two stories since you could see the second floor like a balcony. The sun was setting outside, the windows hidden by a soft looking fabric that let the faint light shine through.

The young girl would have loved to explore the house, but would probably either get lost or miss Kaya's arrival.

Fluff and Boar had found a pack of cards in a drawer and were now playing an intense game of whatever they had made up. Next to them, Stitch was building a castle out of the cards.

The young girl kneeled beside the plushy cat, watching it build the impressive construction. "How do you even do that?" She whispered, as if a loud noise could make the castle crumble.

"You don't even have hands", she added before returning to the chair. She flopped on it, sighing longly.

The young girl had never been so bored in her life. She had tried to repair the ballerina, and eventually succeeded, but now that it was done, she had nothing to do. She had begun to make new little clothes for her toys but quickly got tired of trying to pass the thread through the eye of her needle with the dim light. She was now watching Nami trying to get closer to the lamb man.

She almost fell asleep but got very woken up by Klahadore's voice announcing Kaya who, with her butler's assistance, was walking down the long stairs. (Y/n) sprung out of her seat, ready to greet the birthday girl.

However, the lamb man, who's name was Merry, beat her to it, climbing up a few stairs before leading Kaya to the hall. He congratulated her on her birthday and achievements.

Kaya walked up to Nami and they began to discuss much to the latter's annoyance.

"Nami, I love that dress on you," Kaya complimented her. "Thanks," Nami replied a bit coldly. "It belonged to my mother. It was one of her favorites", Kaya explained and the tangerine haired woman couldn't help but feel a little bad.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Iâ€"" Nami began but got cut off by Kaya. "Not at all. I'm sure she would agree it suits you splendidly", she told her. A small smile tugged at Nami's lips after her sentence.

(Y/n) rushed to Nami's side, stopping in front of Kaya. The little girl had an excited grin on her face. "Don't you look ravishing," Kaya noticed, remembering when those clothes were once worn by her.

A few moments later, (y/n's) plushies came next to her, clinging on her legs. Kaya raised an eyebrow and Klahadore, who was standing at the center of the room, went to step forward before his attention got taken by Zoro from a small distance, wishing to speak to him.

"Have we met before? You look familiar" Zoro asked with a tinge of hidden hostility. Klahadore turned his head to the swordsman who was facing the wall, not bothering looking at his interlocutor.

"Highly doubtful, sir", the butler answered, looking back in front of him. "Funky Bar? Mirror Ball Island?" Zoro guessed. "Funky Bar?" Klahadore echoed, on the defensive. "Well, I can assure you I've never patronized that type of establishment."

Noticing Kaya's confusion with her stuffed animals, (y/n) picked the plushies up. "Those are my friends. It's a long story," (y/n) explained briefly, smiling when Kaya nodded, her puzzled expression vanishing.

Merry approached Kaya, wanting to discuss important matters with her but Klahadore interrupted him. "Merry, dear friend, it's always business with you."

Merry sighed and Klahadore continued. "Tonight is about celebration. Shall we all move to the dining room?" he voiced more loudly so everyone in the hall could hear.

Luffy was the happiest of them all, more than ready to devour the birthday meal.

"3, 2, 1…" a girl counted down. Before she could say 'go', a boy blew out all of the few candles standing on a cupcake. "Caleb!" (Y/n) protested even if the boy was chuckling at her angry expression.

Alix slapped the boy's side lightly. "You're unbelievable", the older girl muttered. She placed a hand reassuringly on (y/n's) shoulder, lighting the candles again with the stolen lighter.

The two girls blew the candles in unison. "Did you make a wish?" Alix asked the younger girl while taking the candles out of the cupcake. "Yep! Can I tell you?" (Y/n) asked.

"You can, but that would mean your wish won't happen," she explained. "Well, I wish we can leave and have a proper birthday," Caleb cut in, eyeing the lonely pastry.

Alix looked at Caleb with a blank expression. "Did you listen to what I said two seconds ago?" Caleb hummed playfully. "Actually, when you speak, I only hear weird distant noises."

"Don't you think it's weird our birthdays all happen the same day? We're lucky," (y/n) remarked. "It's because they don't happen the same day. We just don't know whenâ€""

Caleb got cut off again by another slap of Alix. The black haired girl sighed in annoyance, thinking that an innocent young girl shouldn't be confronted by the morbid truth.

"Let's eat that cupcake, mmh?" Alix declared, distributing the messily cut pastry.


School's almost over YIPPEEEE

I hope summer vacation will bring me more time to write so I can finish this bookkk

The star thingy is always appreciated :D

words: 1082

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