Chapter XI

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Luffy woke up first, finding himself in a room made out of wood planks. Nami's eyes fluttered open. (Y/n) was still unconscious, snuggling with her stuffed animals that seemed worried.

Zoro leaned against a wall, sleeping. Luffy crept up to him, whispering "Zoro!"

He woke up quickly, slowly taking in the environment. "They took my swords", he noticed. "And my rucksack, ugh, with all my navigation gear", Nami added.

Luffy swiftly put his hand on his hat, then sighed out of relief. "They didn't take my hat."

"Yeah, small blessings", Nami said, standing up in the small wooden case they were in. (Y/n) turned in her sleep. "Five more minutes", she murmured. She dropped her head in on the plank, lifting it back up almost immediately. "Why am I sleeping on wood?"

The young girl cracked her eyes open. "What's happening?" She asked, looking up at Nami. "We've been captured by Marines. And lost the map", she answered, frustrated by the situation.

"No!" Luffy interrupted, jumping on his feet and hitting his head on the low ceiling. The wood lifted a bit, a detail that didn't go unnoticed by (y/n).

"No, we didn't lose it. It's in a safe place", he assured, putting his hand on his stomach. "Ew...?" Nami said, repulsed. Then, Zoro began to hit on a corner. "Stop. Stop that. Stop that", Nami warned in a hushed tone. "What? I'm trying to find a way out."

"You should try to do that on the top planks. They lifted when Luffy hit his head", (y/n) proposed before being cut off by Nami. "Don't encourage him. We've been captured. We need a plan", she told (y/n) and Zoro.

"I don't need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every Marine I see", Zoro argued, hitting the top planks once with his palm. "Hey, everyone, relax. We're fine", Luffy attempted to calm down the situation.

"We're not fine. The Marines will throw us in jail if we're lucky", Nami began, inspecting the ceiling. "Execute us if they don't."

"They are- They are not Marines", Luffy cut her off. "Before I got knocked out, I saw a Jolly Roger. We've been captured by pirates", Luffy explained.

"That's much better news", Nami replied sarcastically. Meanwhile, (y/n) peeked through the cracks in between the planks, listening to the conversation. "No, he's right. Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill", Zoro explained.

(Y/n) eyes needed to adjust to the bright lights shone on the box they were in. She could see a little of colorful objects, but nothing more.

"Shanks used to say not every situation can be solved with violence", Luffy stated. (Y/n) backed away from the wall turning to face Luffy. "You sound just like Alix", (y/n) commented. "Who and who?" Questioned Zoro.

"We don't need to fight", Luffy reformulated. "I can talk to them. Pirates to pirates."

"That won't work. Kidnappers-pirates don't sit down to chat, I think", (y/n) said before picking up Stitch and Fluff while Boar clung to her leg. She only then realized that her shoulder bag was missing.

"Why not?" Luffy asked optimistically. "To add on what (y/n) said, you're not a pirate", Nami replied. "Yes, I am", the dark haired boy argued with a smile. "No. You are some stretchy guy in a tattered hat", Nami continued.

"I'm a different kind of pirate", Luffy clarified. "Pirates are pirates. There's only one kind", Nami fired back, her voice laced with hatred.

As on cue, the top of the box got lifted, colorful people doing tricks in the air appeared above them, circus music playing. One wall of the big box got lifted and all four of them walked out.

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