Chapter II

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The sun was set. In the cave of the enormous ship, Koby was cleaning one of Alvida's duck-shaped weapon with a toothbrush. He gasped quietly when he heard groaning and banging, even if he was supposed to be alone. He turned around to see what was making the sound and walked closer to a wiggling barrel.

"Who's there?", he asked out loud. The noises continued and Koby was breathing fast, but he kept walking. The lid of the barrel got lifted up by the straw hat boy and Koby stepped back screaming. He ran away as the dark haired boy looked at him with surprised eyes.

The boy in red clothing got out of the barrel and called "Hey!". Koby got behind wooden planks. The straw hat boy ran after him and placed his hands on Koby's mouth and shoulder. "Knock it off", he hushed but Koby wasn't calming down. "Shh", he said and both men staid quiet for a few seconds before the black haired boy pulled his hands away.

"Please don't kill me", Koby immediately pleaded. "Hey-", the stranger tried to soothe him. "Please", the boy with glasses begged. "Hey, hey, hey", the boy in rolled up jeans whispered, kneeling. That way, he appeared less threatening. "I'm not going to kill you, all right?". A small silence stayed before the straw hat boy spoke again. "I just need you to be quiet".

"First things first", the dark haired boy stood up. "Do you have any food here?", he asked. Confused, Koby narrowed his eyes. "What?", he said and the other boy admitted "I'm starving".

Koby stood up too. "Alvida doesn't let me eat until she finishes her meal", he explained. "Who's Alvida?", the boy in red clothing looked at Koby. "This is her ship", he replied. "She's the captain of the Alvida Pirate's", he added. The stranger had gotten back to exploring the place. "Oh, that's great!", he said in a joyous voice.

"It is?", Koby asked. "Yeah! 'Cause I'm a pirate too.", the dark haired boy clarified, expecting a glass bottle. "You don't look like a pirate", Koby admitted. The boy turned around again, facing Koby. "What do they look like?", he asked. "Pirates are scum", Koby spit out. "They're thieves and murderers", Koby added. "Not the pirates I know", the boy in a straw hat smiled.

A decade ago, in Windmill Village, water dripped from the ceiling, waking up the younger self of the dark haired boy since it fell on his cheek. The kid was in a room with no furniture, not even a bed so he was sleeping on the floor, and the windows were covered with different fabric, creating a colourful environment.

On a hand made calendar, the young boy saw that today was the square with a boat drawn on it. "Shanks. He's back!", he exclaimed happily.

The kid lifted the big trapdoor and climbed up. Looking at the ocean, he saw a large ship. On it was a whole crew working. "Work fast as the breeze, men! Captain wants this haul to the traders by nightfall", a man said as the boy climbed up in the boat. "Before those Marine bastards get back on our trail", another man with dark skin and golden goggles with red glass replied. He carried wooden crates and boxes and a piece of meat under is chin.

A small brown and black box on top of the rest fell but got caught by a man with red hair and a straw hat. "Easy with this, Roux. It's worth more than the rest of the loot put together", he said as the boy was peeking through a whole bunch of cords. "Aye, captain", Roux replied.
"Pretend it's a leg of lamb. You wouldn't drop that", the red haired man joked and the pirates laughed. The kid did too, but more quietly.

This time carrying a whole barrel, the captain in a straw hat passed it to a member of his crew. The young boy was helping by rolling a barrel. "Luffy! I was wondering when you'd pop up", the red haired man said to the boy. "Our favorite street urchin comes to welcome us back", another pirate told Luffy. "How ya been, kid?", he asked and patted his head.

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