Chapter IX

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As Zoro took the heavy safe, the three other now officially criminals all followed him out of the Marine base.

Nami went to her stolen boat. She quickly jumped onboard and began to untie the ropes and a triangular sail rose. Zoro dropped off the safe, causing a loud thud that distracted Nami. "Careful with that!"

"Whatever you say... oh wait! I don't work for you" , the man dismissed her warning, continuing to secure the safe on the boat, resulting in more noise and more chances to break the wood plank under their feet.

"I'm sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew", Luffy intervened while helping (y/n) to get on the boat. The latter whispered "No shit, Sherlock" as the two other adults reminded Luffy in unison "Not a crew!"

On the boat, (y/n) looked around, giving small nods at the characteristics around her. 'It's nice here', she thought. Then, she took out a napkin made of old fabric and dipped it in water before cleaning the dry blood on her face. During this time, Luffy was still on the dock, waiting for someone. "I can't leave without my friend"

"Can't wait. The Marines will be here before you know it", the swordsman reasoned the young pirate but, as he finished his sentence, Helmeppo arrived holding two guns up pointed at Luffy who was now cornered. Only, there was no way he could take him seriously with that new haircut he got.

"The Marines are here already. You're under arrest." There was a silence where Zoro and Nami left what they were doing to go look at the Marine. Luffy started to chuckle. "What's wrong with his hair?" He laughed as he pointed at the blonde man and looked over at Zoro.

"Yeah, I might've done that", the green haired man replied. "I wanna see!" (Y/n) exclaimed, leaning over the deck, Fluff, Stitch and Boar next to her.

Annoyed, Helmeppo shot at Zoro, or at least he tried since the bullet barely touched the boat. "I won't let you make a joke of me", he barked. "I'm taking you in and handing you over to my father. I'll be the hero. I might even get a medal or something", he began to monologue but got cut off by a fist right in his jaw.

"Koby!?" Luffy exclaimed as the said boy held his fist. "God, that hurt!" Luffy ran up to him. "It also felt really good too", he added.

"No time to explain, but we gotta go. This whole island is trying to kill us", Luffy urged Koby, taking him by the shoulder and pulling him to the boat with him.

"I'm not coming with you", Koby announced as Luffy was climbing on the deck. After hearing the declaration of his friend, Luffy stopped in his tracks and his smile faded, but not for long as he turned around to face the lavender haired boy.

"You sure?" Luffy asked. "Before we met, every choice was made for me. But now I'm gonna do what I want to do", Koby explained his choice. "I'm gonna be a Marine. I want to help people that can't help themselves... Next time we meet, we might be enemies."

"But for now, we're friends", Luffy assured. He gave Koby's shoulders a friendly punch before Luffy went on the boat, for real, this time. Koby pushed the boat so it could begin to move with the wind.

Zoro and Nami worked with the ropes to raise the big sail as (y/n) waved goodbye at Koby with Luffy. Koby replied with a shy wave as he watched the boat sail away.

The sun was setting and Nami took a break from trying to crack the code of the safe. She went over to the side of the boat where (y/n) was sewing a tiny red dress for Stitch. The woman looked at the young girl's work before asking "Why are you here?"

(Y/n) looked over at the tangerine haired woman. "To not get caught by the Marines", she replied in a tone that ment 'it's obvious'. Nami looked at the horizon. "I ment, why were you there in the first place? Don't you have parents or guardians?"

"I escaped an orphanage with some friends", (y/n) replied, getting back to the dress. "I'm... sorry to hear that. May I ask why?"

"We were treated horribly... but now I'm okay, so no need to be sorry", (y/n) answered, giving a smile to Nami when she finished talking.

Three kids were sitting in a library, hiding behind shelves. The taller one, and the oldest, was a girl with pitch black hair cut into a messy bob and indigo eyes. The second one was a boy with dreadlocks and crystal blue eyes. Finally, the youngest was (y/n).

"We need to leave during the night", the older girl informed. They all had shoulder bags that the two girls were filling with food and water while the boy was looking for any adults.

"Alix? We're not leaving Fluff, Boar and Stitch, right?" (Y/n) asked. Alix stopped her movements and looked at the young girl then looked at the boy. He looked back at her and shrugged as if to say 'your problem'.

Alix sighed and looked back at (y/n) with a comforting smile. "You know what? You have the responsibility to take care of Fluff for the... trip"

(Y/n) nodded.

"I trust you with Stitch and Caleb does too with Boar, alright?"

(Y/n) nodded again, a smile on her face.


Hello i'm back!!

i'm so sorry for the VERY long absence

i had a bad experience at a piano recital which later on confirmed the fact that i have (kinda) severe anxiety and i didn't feel like writing at all for a long time :/

but now i'm going better! i started journaling and i will plan out when i write so that gives me more motivation :D

also, i won't write the very ending of the first episode so i can start something new for this new year

thank you so much for your patience (and the stars on my last chapter 41?? DAMN)

happy new year and see you soon <33

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