The Sassy Camerupt

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(Narrator POV)
Our heros continue on their way to Solange city for Ash's chance at the Solange city gym

(a/n: Am tryna see y/n as more of a main character rather than more of a secondary main character so he gets his own episode)

(Y/n POV)
I'm walking with my friends until ash suddenly asked a question about the gym

Ash: So Y/n...what's the Solange city gym like?

Y/n: Hmm *Thinks back to his battle against grant* Well the gym is... actually...I'm not gonna spoil it..I'll let you figure it out

Ash: Be that way then..

Clemot: I think y/n has a point it's better to learn for yourself

Y/n: See clemot gets it...but speaking of getting things...I really need to capture a fire type Pokemon...its what I'm lacking

Serena: I could help you look for one

Y/n: You don't seem like the hunting type... *Noticed a sigh on a tree* Beware Rampaging Camerupt...

Ash: What's that mean?

Bonnie: There's a Camerupt around here?

Y/n: Camerupt huh? *looks it up on his Pokedex*

Y/n: Cool...sounds like a fire type to me..

Ash: Whaddya say we look for it

Pikachu: Pikachu..

Y/n: Way ahead of you

Shadow: Frog

(Narrator POV)
Our heroes discover the tale of a Camperupt and are set out to finding it and for y/n to make a catch

(y/n Pov)

Y/n: So how would we find a Camerupt..

Ash: I got an idea *throws up fletchings PokeBall*

Fletchling: Chling

Y/n: (Who knew you had a brain full of ideas)

Ash: Hey fletchling could you try to find any trace of a Camperupt

Fletchling: Fletchling fletch *flew off*

Clemot: In the meantime why don't we spread out and search..Bonnie will come with me...Serena can go with Y/n and Ash should be fine alone

Ash: Good thinking clemot

Y/n: Enough talking let's go *ran off with Shadow by his side*

Serena: Y/n Wait for me! *ran after him*

They'd all split up to search for the Camerupt

(ash POV)
He was looking around with Pikachu

Ash: Any luck buddy?

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu*shook his head*

Ash: If I were a Camerupt where would I be...I hope fletchlings having better luck..

(Clemot pov)

Clemot: I didn't think it'd be this difficult to find a Camerupt..

Bonnie: *sigh* It sure doesn't wanna be found

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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