(past battle) Y/n vs Viola

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{Y/n} Pov
I walk onto the battlefield with shadow on my shoulder

Y/n: Well this is it...

The referee announced the rules and

Referee: Battle begin!

Viola: I'm hoping this match will be picture perfect...you ready?

Y/n: Yes...Shadow I choose you

Shadow: *jumped off y/ns shoulder on onto the battlefield* Froakie Fro!

Viola: Ok Sirskit let's go!

Y/n: I'm a gentleman so first moved yours

Viola: Sirskit use signal beam!

Y/n: Dodge it!

Shadow: Froak! *Jumped in the air to dodge*

Y/n: Use water pulse

The water pulse landed directly and Sirskit took a big hit

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The water pulse landed directly and Sirskit took a big hit

Viola: Froakies strong but..it time for us to create a picture perfect battlefield

Y/n: You think I'll just let you do that?

Viola: Sirskit you use ice beam

Y/n: Clamp onto it

Shadow jumped on Sirskit and held it tightly

Viola: Shake it off

Shadow held on tightly not at all letting go

Y/n: Shadow use bubble from that close range

Y/n: Shadow use bubble from that close range

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Shadow: *jumped back*

Viola: Sirskit no

Referee: Sirskit is unable to battle Froakie is the winner

Viola: Thanks Sirskit *returns it*

Y/n: I feel unfair... Sirskit was probably tired from the last battle..

Viola: It's fine... *Throws a PokeBall* Vivllion Lets go!

Y/n: Shadow watch vivillon careful

Shadow: Fro..

Sirskit: Gust let's go

Y/n: Hang tough shadow

Shadow: *Struggling to keep his balance a little* Froooo..

Y/n: Bubble let's go

Y/n: Bubble let's go

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Viola: Dodge it

Y/n: Sit still would you...wait a second...Shadow use your frebbles

Shadow jumped up in the air and fired his frubbles

Shadow jumped up in the air and fired his frubbles

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Vivillion was caught in froakies sticky frubbles

Viola: You might not be able to move but you can still use psychic

Vivillion used psychic and slammed shadow into the ground

Y/n: Shadow! You okay?

Shadow: Froak... *Stood up* Kie!

Vivillion still struggled against froakies frubbles

Y/n: Perfect opening...shadow pound let's go

Vivillion took a hit and hit the ground

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Vivillion took a hit and hit the ground

Shadow: *landed on the ground*

Referee: Vivillion is unable to battle froakie wins which means the winner is Y/n The challenger

Y/n: Haha! You did it shadow!

Shadow: froakie fro ^_^ *Jumped In Y/n's arms*

Viola: What a team...they are *returns vivillion* Impressive battling Y/n You and froakie are strong..

Y/n: Your strong too..

Shadow climbed on y/ns shoulder

Viola: Well as proof of your victory I reward you with the bug badge

Y/n: *grabbed the badge* Alright our very first badge and we earned it together

Shadow: froakie!

Y/n: We got the bug badge and it's all ours! We won it together

Shadow: Froakie Froakie fro! *Held his fist in the air*

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